[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Glassworker
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 37, no. 16, p. 5, col. 1
Lynchburg, Va., Jan 16. - The plant of the Lynchburg Glass Works, Inc., of this city, is now under construction. Prescription, packers, panels, pickles, chows, jellies, flint an green bottles will be made. There will be two continuous tanks employed with a total of 16 ringholes. There will be no moldmaking shop. Work will be done by hand and semi-automatic machines, one Miller and three Cox machines being employed. The officers are: President, N. D. Eller; vice president, Walker Pettijohn; secretary, D. B. Rylands; treasurer, N. D. Elle; general manager, B. O. Beckett.