Insulator used to beat man from insulator factory in argument


Publication: The Perth Amboy Evening News

Perth Amboy, NJ, United States
vol. 35, no. 89, p. 6, col. 4


Rough tactics were resorted to by John Zaremba, of Sayreville, and John Fricz, of near Old Bridge, to set­tle some difficulty that arose between them over the warring armies in Eur­ope with the result that both men were fit subjects for the doctor and Zaremba held by Justice Bowne, of this place, at a hearing given him in $200 bonds for his appearance before the grand jury. It seems both men are employed in the glass works, at Old Bridge, and following an argument Fritz hit Zaremba in the head with a glass insulator. The latter then pro­ceeded to give the former a beating and this was accomplished very artis­tically and he was badly beaten. Both men presented a sorry appearance as they appeared before the justice and testified in the case.



Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:August 6, 2023 by: Bob Stahr;