R. G. Guptill of New York is consulting with attorneys in Indianapolis


Publication: The Indianapolis Journal

Indianapolis, IN, United States

Manufacture or Glass Tubes.

R. G. Guptill, of New York, is in the city consulting with his attorneys. Messrs. Kern & Bailey, with regard to establishing at Pendleton an industry for the manufacture of glass tubes. Mr. Guptill has made some wonderful developments in the direction of moulding glass tubes for electric wire conduits, gas and water pipes and other pur­poses. He was attracted to Indiana by the natural gas and has chosen Pendleton as a location, because it is said to be the only point in the State where glass sand is found in abundance.

His enterprise bids fair to be a highly profitable one, and he is anxious to enlist Indianapolis capital with him, failing in which, he will go to Chicago or New York. It is claimed the industry can be estab­lished with comparitively little money, and especially in view of the disposition to order all wires under around, gives prom­ise of large returns. Mr. Guptill will prob­ably remain here until the latter part of next week, and says he has faith that home investors will not permit so excellent an opportunity to pass by.


Keywords:Glass Conduits : Pendleton Glass Tube & Pipe Works
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:November 6, 2023 by: Bob Stahr;