Pendleton Glass Tube & Pipe Works on list for World's Fair displayers


Publication: The Indianapolis Journal

Indianapolis, IN, United States
p. 8, col. 2-3


She Will Rank Fifth Among the States

in Her Industrial Exhibit.

Long List of Manufacturers Who Have

Applied for Space — Indianapolis

Very Well Represented.

The executive committee of the Indiana world’s fair commission will meet at the State-house to-day. The business in hand is chiefly to determine what shall be asked of the Legislature. The board has decided not to incur a cent of indebtedness beyond its present appropriation, and without an­other appropriation the Indiana exhibit must be a failure. Liabilities have been incurred up to within $7,000 or $8,000 of the appropriation. Reports will be submitted to the committee to-day, showing how and for what purposes the expenditures have been made. Commissioner Havens believes the progress of the work, as well as the amount accomplished, will satisfy the Legislature that the interests of the State have been guarded and its influence advanced in the work of the board. The appropriation, if made, he says, should be made early in the season of the Legisla­ture so as to permit the early completion of plans.

Among the reports to he submitted to­day Commissioner Havens will include the list of Indiana firms and other exhibitors applying for space. Mr. Havens said yes­terday: "The number of applications from Indiana for space from our manufacturers places Indiana as the fifth State in the number of applicants." A list of the ex­hibitors applying is given below:






Pendleton — Pendleton glass-tube and pipe-works.




Keywords:Glass Conduits : Pendleton Glass Tube & Pipe Works
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:November 8, 2023 by: Bob Stahr;