Electrical Supply Company in new headquarters

[Trade Journal]

Publication: Western Electrician

Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 9, no. 2, p. 28, col. 1




The Electrical Supply company is now occupying its elegant new quarters at 102 and 104 Michigan avenue, corner Randolph street, Chicago. Its old address at 171 Randolph street has become so well known among the electrical fraternity that the change will be something of a surprise, but it will only be a question of a short time before the new quarters will be as well known as the old. A large force of men is constantly at work putting in fixtures and placing stock and it will not be very long before the company will be in thorough working order in the new building. A new and improved elevator is no being put in, so that customers may visit all the floors of the store without the inconvenience of climbing stairs. With all the confusion incidental to moving, the large volume of business has not suffered in the least. This company reports very large sales for this season of the year in Sunbeam lamps and other specialties. The Electrical Supply company invites all visiting electricians to call at the new quarters and make its acquaintance all over again.




Keywords:Electrical Supply Company Chicago
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:December 29, 2008 by: Bob Stahr;