SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent WHERE (category = 'Lightning Rod Conductor') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type |
Total of 4 patents found where: Category is 'Lightning Rod Conductor';
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T / S | Patent | Date | Description | Patentee | Category | Assigned To |
1870 | ||||||
U | 108,354 | October 18, 1870 | Improvement in Combined Eaves Troughs and Lightning Rods Eave trough and water pipe used as conductor for lightning rods |
HANKENSON, James W. BAKER, Winslow |
Lightning Rod Conductor | |
1877 | ||||||
U | 196,350 | October 23, 1877 | Improvement in Conductors for Lightning Rods Lightning rod conductor shaped like a trough which is galvanized on outside and lined with Russia iron on the inside and running down from rod to just below the eave with lightning rod resting in the trough |
GOSS, Alonzo |
Lightning Rod Conductor | |
U | 196,493 | October 23, 1877 | Improvement in Lightning Conductors Lighning rod conductor with improved grounding |
SPANG, Henry W. |
Lightning Rod Conductor | |
1878 | ||||||
U | 204,257 | May 28, 1878 | Improvement in Lightning Conductors Sheet metal strips connecting lightning rods to gutters |
SPANG, Henry W. |
Lightning Rod Conductor |
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