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Total of 81 patents found where: Category is 'Manufacturing';

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T / S Patent Date Description Patentee Category Assigned To
U 1,128,747 February 16, 1915 Method of Manufacturing Porcelain Insulators
Manufacturing process for porcelain insulator firing unglazed, then filling porous porcelain with oxidizable oil and rendering the oil stable with ozone to form a coating to replace expense of firing on a glaze
BOEHM, Wilhelm
U 1,164,739 December 21, 1915 Method of Making Insulating Devices
Manufacturing technique to make long bushings with petticoats by stacking them on a fired core and fusing the petticoats to the core
U 1,171,205 February 8, 1916 Process of Manufacturing Porcelain Articles
Method of forming the shape of a spark plug insulator from a dry blank
JEFFERY, Joseph Arthur
JEFFERY, Benjamin Alfred
U 1,185,687 June 6, 1916 Glass Gathering and Shaping Machine
Improvement in Owens bottle-blowing machine (see patent 1,764,268)
LA FRANCE, Richard
Manufacturing The Toledo Glass Co.
U 1,186,203 June 6, 1916 Apparatus for Use in Manufacturing Articles of Ceramic Material
Method of manufacturing spark plugs
JEFFERY, Joseph A.
JEFFERY, Benjamin A.
U 1,223,792 April 24, 1917 Apparatus for Use in Manufacturing Articles of Ceramic Material
Machine for manufacturing spark plugs
JEFFERY, Joseph A.
JEFFERY, Benjamin A.
U 1,240,575 September 18, 1917 Method of Preparing Ceramic Articles for Handling
Method of manufacturing clay bodies for porcelain insulators
JEFFERY, Joseph A.
U 1,449,808 March 27, 1923 Mold
Machine press to form the glass lid to a dish and the handle knob on top
BOALS, Harry R.
Manufacturing Corning Glass Works
U 1,451,815 April 17, 1923 Rapid Decorating Firing Furnace or Kiln
Kiln for firing porcelain spark plug insulators
Manufacturing Jeffery-Dewitt Co.
U 1,468,947 September 25, 1923 Furnace for Decorating Ceramic Ware
Kiln for firing porcelain spark plug insulators
JEFFERY, Joseph A.
Manufacturing Jeffery-Dewitt Co.
U 1,501,602 July 15, 1924 Leer Feeder
Automatic leer feeder
HOLMES, Minot K.
Manufacturing Hemingray Glass Co.
U 1,512,299 October 21, 1924 Temporary Binder for Ceramic Bodies
Use of wheat flour to act as an organic binder to aid in holding the shape of a ceramic material before it is fired
NAGLE, Josehp A.
Manufacturing Jeffery-Dewitt Co.
U 1,528,908 March 10, 1925 Process of Forming Ceramic Products
Process of adding reagents to accelerate hardening of the clay to reduce the time body is in mold
Manufacturing 1/2 to Frank H. Riddle
U 1,538,238 May 19, 1925 Machine for Assembling Insulator Knobs
Machine for assembling nail-knobs, inserting the nail and crimping it so the nail cannot be removed, thus holding the parts together.
CARPENTER, Alexander
Manufacturing C. A. C. Automatic Machine Co.
U 1,569,251 January 12, 1926 Method of Preparing Clay or Body Composition for Ceramic Articles
Method of preparing plastic clay without the use of filter presses by mixing dry ingredients with water, filtering, and evaporation of water with heat and vacuum before sending to the pug mill
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,574,883 March 2, 1926 Method and Apparatus for Cementing Insulators
Machine to vibrate insulator to improve cementing of the parts
HARVEY, William F.
U 1,590,457 June 29, 1926 Method of Testing Insulators
Manufacturing method of cutting a plastic insulator body to inspect it internally then put the parts back together before drying and firing
VAUPEL, Albert
Manufacturing Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co.
U 1,621,016 March 15, 1927 Method of and Means for Coating Inner Surfaces of Hollow Bodies
Manufacturing method of spraying gummy coating to the inside of the cement joint of an insulator
Manufacturing Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co.
U 1,647,695 November 1, 1927 Method of Assembling Insulators
Manufacturing method of using adhesive to hold shells together before injecting cement and sealing edges of the cured cement joint
HAWLEY, Kent Allen
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,663,329 March 20, 1928 Forming and Tapping Machine
Machine to form threads in plastic clay bodies
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,677,294 July 17, 1928 Insulator Assembly Jig
Centering jig for assembling multipart porcelain insulators
ROBERTSON, John Cullen
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,679,345 August 7, 1928 Method and Apparatus for Casting Ceramic Pieces
Manufacturing method of casting bushings with a hollow core
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,685,833 October 2, 1928 Process of Manufacturing Insulator Pins
Manufacturing method to make steel pins for wooden crossarms
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,685,834 October 2, 1928 Process of Manufacturing Insulator Pins
Manufacturing method to make steel pins for wooden crossarms
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,687,759 October 16, 1928 Insulator Knurling Device
Manufacturing method of cutting inside of multipart joints to aid cement adhesion
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,693,429 November 27, 1928 Method of Casting
Manufacturing method to cast bushings with a hollow core
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,697,422 January 1, 1929 Device for Cutting Holes in Insulators
Device for cutting holes in Hewlett type suspension disks for links
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,697,423 January 1, 1929 Method and Device for Cutting Holes in Insulators
Manufacturing method of cutting holes in Hewlett type suspension disks for links
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,697,434 January 1, 1929 Hole Cutting Machine
Machine for cutting holes in Hewlett type suspension disks for links
MOORE, JR., Stewart L.
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,697,435 January 1, 1929 Hole Cutting Machine
Machine for cutting holes in Hewlett type suspension disks for links
MOORE, JR., Stewart L.
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,712,327 May 7, 1929 Glass-Serving Apparatus
Method of delivering molten slugs of glass
U 1,712,900 May 14, 1929 Method of Making Forged Insulator Caps
Method to manufacture steel cap for suspension disks
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,719,989 July 9, 1929 Method of and Apparatus for Assembling Insulators
Method of assembling the shells, holding downward pressure, and vibrating to settle cement around the shells to eliminate air
MOORE, JR., Stewart L.
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,732,339 October 22, 1929 Apparatus for Finishing Insulator Shells
Machine to form the opening in the bottom of a top shell and form grooves in the sides of the opening to aid in cement adhesion between the top shell and the second shell.
Manufacturing Electric Service Supplies Co.
U 1,733,729 October 29, 1929 Method of Casting Link-Type Insulators
Manufacturing method to cast Hewlett type suspension disks
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,750,699 March 18, 1930 Process and Apparatus for Testing Insulators
Apparatus to run a high voltage test on insulators (see 1,796,427)
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,764,268 June 17, 1930 Glass Forming Machine
Machine to form threads in glass articles such as insulators. (see patent 1,185,687)
LA FRANCE, Richard
Manufacturing Owens-Illinois Glass Co.
U 1,776,538 September 23, 1930 Apparatus for Serving Glass
Method of delivering molten slugs of glass
U 1,779,489 October 28, 1930 Method of Making Secondary Racks
Method of making secondary rack brackets (see 1,883,818)
PEIRCE, JR., Charles L.
Manufacturing 1/2 to Hubbard & Co.
U 1,784,792 December 9, 1930 Apparatus for Making Insulators
Manufacturing method that replace casting large unipart insulators with a means to press out the entire form of the insulator
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,796,427 March 17, 1931 Process and Apparatus for Testing Insulators
Apparatus to run a high voltage test on insulators (see 1,750,699 and 1,796,427)
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,796,429 March 17, 1931 Apparatus for Testing Insulators
Apparatus to run a high voltage test on insulators (see 1,796,427)
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,808,105 June 2, 1931 Insulator Cutter and Method of Treating Insulators
Manufacturing method to cut out the top and bottom recess of a Hewlett suspension disk and ready for cutting the holes for link passages
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,816,023 July 28, 1931 Method of Manufacturing Insulators
Method of assembling multipart insulators with wet cement and maintaining an ambient humidity and simulataneously cooling down.
OSBORNE, David Henry
Manufacturing Electric Service Supplies Co.
U 1,822,037 September 8, 1931 Method of Making Insulator Racks
Method of making rack spool brackets (see 1,794,520)
Manufacturing Hubbard & Co.
U 1,822,458 September 8, 1931 Measuring Apparatus
Device to measure the density of clay slip
ROWLAND, Davidge H.
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,823,676 September 15, 1931 Insulator with Nested Parts
Multipart insulators with metal cap in cement joint of the outer two joints to add strength to the insulator
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,866,792 July 12, 1932 Multiple Insulator Trimming Machine
Machine to trim several insulators at the same time
BENARD, Arthur G.
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,902,310 March 21, 1933 Method of Making Insulator Caps
Method of pressing out a malleable metal cap
PLIMPTON, Bentley A.
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,904,608 April 18, 1933 Insulator Finishing Brushing Machine
Machine to grind down interlinking passages in a semi-dry insulator body for metal fittings
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,929,737 October 10, 1933 Apparatus for Molding Insulators
Die to hot press to form an insulator for street lights with one part of the mold rotating and a stationary part to form petticoats with integral lugs (see 2,007,567)
FISCHER, Eugene H.
Manufacturing The Harford Faience Co.
U 1,937,184 November 28, 1933 Jigger
Jiggering machine using centrifugal force to cut out the interior of bushings
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,944,134 January 16, 1934 Insulator Assembling Machine
Machine to press on and turn cap to secure the cement and cement in the metal pin
ROBERTSON, John Cullen
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,978,627 October 30, 1934 Vibrating Plunging Machine
Manufacturing method using a vibrating plunger tool to form the underside shape of the insulator without causing stresses in the finished porcelain
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,983,334 December 4, 1934 Method of Forming Insulator Caps
Manufacturing method to stamp out suspension caps from tubular steel
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,007,567 July 9, 1935 Apparatus for Molding Insulators
Machine for hot pressing porcelain box for street lights in one operation the interior surface with a rotating die and the exterior irregular surface with lugs with a stationary die (see 1,929,737)
FISCHER, Eugene H.
Manufacturing Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co.
U 2,010,934 August 13, 1935 Cementing Process and Apparatus
Apparatus to align the pin during the cementing process in a suspension insulator
SMITH, William A.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,026,782 January 7, 1936 Clay Homogenizing Method and Apparatus
Manufacturing method using vibration as the clay is extruded from the pug mill to ensure homogeneity.
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 2,033,827 March 10, 1936 Insulator Forming Machine
Machine to form the underside and recesses between skirts and the petticoats by using a trimming device that can be adjusted to any angle and extend inward as needed
FRENCH, Lucius L.
Manufacturing Porcelain Insulator Corp.
U 2,034,707 March 24, 1936 Apparatus for Making One-Piece Insulators
Machine to press out the form and trim the profile in large unipart insulators
BENARD, Arthur G.
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 2,044,332 June 16, 1936 Apparatus for Forming Ceramic Products
Manufacturing method to produce well mixed clay slip for casting insulators
ROWLAND, Davidge H.
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 2,048,558 July 21, 1936 Insulator Plunging Machine
Plunging machine to form the shape of bushings and other insulators without the need for turning
MOORE, Stewart L.
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 2,059,036 October 27, 1936 Clay Testing Apparatus
Machine to measure the hardness or plasticity of clay
ROWLAND, Davidge H.
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 2,201,049 May 14, 1940 Glass Fabrication Process and Mold
Glass bushing making process
Manufacturing General Electric Co.
U 2,209,006 July 23, 1940 Coating Apparatus
Machine to dip insulators in glaze.
SMITH, William A.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,224,853 December 17, 1940 Method of Manufacturing Ceramic of Vitreous Ware
Manufacturing method to improve quality of porcelain during firing
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,261,583 November 4, 1941 Method of Making Hollow Forms
Method of casting hollow forms
Manufacturing The Colonial Insulator Co.
U 2,264,428 December 2, 1941 Article of Ceramic of Vitreous Material
Manufacturing method to improve quality of porcelain during firing
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 2,327,972 August 24, 1943 High Strength Ceramic Surface
Manufacturing method of using porcelain ""sand"" with a lower coefficient of expansion than the insulator body to rough up the surface and provide a strong cement joint without reducing the effectiveness of the compression glaze (see 2,337,691)
DEWEY, Benjamin F.
Manufacturing Lapp Insulator Co., Inc.
U 2,329,114 September 7, 1943 Coating Ceramic Articles
Glazing a porcelain insulator by spraying a uniform coating on the surface
FISCHER, Eugene H.
Manufacturing Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co.
U 2,337,691 December 28, 1943 Method of Making High Strength Ceramic Surfaces
Method of manufacturing insulators using porcelain ""sand"" with a lower coefficient of expansion than the insulator body to rough up the surface and provide a strong cement joint without reducing the effectiveness of the compression glaze (see 2,327,972)
DEWEY, Benjamin F.
Manufacturing Lapp Insulator Co., Inc.
U 2,395,295 February 19, 1946 Method of Producing Insulators
Improved method of jiggering and plunging
ROWLAND, Davidge H.
U 2,422,537 June 17, 1947 Machine for Coating Insulators
Machine for applying RFI coating to insulators (see 2,333,557)
FISCHER, Eugene H.
Manufacturing Westinghouse Electric Corp.
U 2,425,270 August 5, 1947 Method and Apparatus for Forming Blanks for Post and Pedestal Insulators
Manufacturing method to produce blanks for post and pedestal insulators
SKIPPER, Edward M.
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 2,434,555 January 13, 1948 Electrical Insulator
Method of soldering metal fittings on porcelain bushings made of ""Prestite"".
FISCHER, Eugene H.
RUSSELL, JR., Ralston
Manufacturing Westhinghouse Electric Corp.
U 2,437,559 March 9, 1948 Insulator and Method of Manufacturing Same
Addition of powdered aluminum to improve quality of porcelain
ROWLAND, Davidge H.
Manufacturing The Porcelain Insulator Corp.
U 2,468,663 April 26, 1949 Article Illuminating Inspection Device For Amber Glass Insulators and Other Hollow Dense Walled Articles of Low Transparency
Insulator inspection device for dark amber insulators
GREEN, Thomas D.
Manufacturing Hartford-Empire Co.
U 2,552,522 May 15, 1951 Device for Inspecting Transparent Threaded Glass Articles Such as Insulators
Insulator inspection device for dark amber insulators
Manufacturing Armstrong Cork Co.
U 2,821,158 January 28, 1958 Machine for Coating Bell-Shaped Electrical Suspension Insulators
Machine for automatically glazing suspension insulators and applying a sanded band for cementing the metal cap.
BROWN, Leonard
LENZ, Carl
Manufacturing General Electric Co.
U 2,925,183 February 16, 1960 Pneumatic Take-Out Apparatus for Glassware
Machine for removing insulators from molds
EASTUS, Harold L.
Manufacturing Kimble Glass Co.
U 2,978,839 April 11, 1961 Apparatus for Finishing Apertured Glass Articles
Fire polishing of holes for thru hole insulators CD 1049
EASTUS, Harold L.
Manufacturing Kimble Glass Co.

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