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SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent LEFT JOIN category ON category.patent = patent.patent AND category.type = patent.type WHERE (category.class = '174') AND (category.subclass = '146') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type

Total of 16 patents found where: Class is '174'; Subclass is '146';

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T / S Patent Date Description Patentee Category Assigned To
U 279,289 June 12, 1883 Telegraph and Telephone Line
Use of copper wire instead of iron and crossarms between poles to keep the wires separated
VALE, Theodore N.
U 280,947 July 10, 1883 Insulator for Electrical Conductors
Cylindrical insulator suspended from wire to hold bar separates several wires
OHL, Percy C.
U 295,073 March 11, 1884 Telegraph Wire Supporter
Split insulator that fits around conductor and connected to adjacent split insulator with tie-wire
STONE, Ross C.
U 308,818 December 2, 1884 Brace for Telegraph and Telephone Lines
Brace to keep multiple lines separated during high wind.
ARNOLD, Andrew H.
U 710,206 September 30, 1902 Apparatus for Transposing Electric Circuit Wires so as to Equalize Induction
Transposition bracket
O'BRIEN, James
U 806,769 December 12, 1905 Adjustable Support for Telegraph Line Wires
Split cylinder of wood insulator for spacing line wires with external spiral grooves for receiving spiral of wire to hold the halves together and attach to insulator on adjacent wires
BELL, Jasper N.
U 1,761,046 June 3, 1930 Transposition Device
Transposition ring for radio line
PFAUTZ, Christian E.
Transposition RCA
U 2,043,754 June 9, 1936 Transposition Insulator
Transposition for radio line
U 2,092,515 September 7, 1937 Insulator
Circular line spacer for telephone wires composed of a disk with holes for each wire
JERVEY, William T.
Spacer Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.
U 2,135,344 November 1, 1938 Transposed Lead-In
Transposition for radio line
Transposition Crosley Radio Corp.
U 2,138,571 November 29, 1938 Insulator
Transposition for telephone line
DEHMEL, Richard C.
Transposition Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.
U Specimen known 2,444,938 July 13, 1948 Insulator
Radio antennae insulator with center hole for nail and side slits to hold the antennae wire
MARTIN, JR., Albert D.
U 2,526,917 October 24, 1950 Line Wire Spacer
Line wire spacer bracket for carrier circuits
WHEELER, Herbert H.
MARKLEY, William F.
Spacer Western Union Telegraph Co.
U 2,912,482 November 10, 1959 Aerial Cable Support and Spacer
Support and spacer for multiple electrical power lines
HORROCKS, Raymond G.
MILLER, Carroll de V.
BRENNER, Theodore J.
Spacer PLM Products, Inc.
U Specimen known 2,921,112 January 12, 1960 Electric Conductor Strand Separator Insulator
Spacer for conductors
DYKSTRA, Laurence J.
Spacer The Porcelain Insulator Corp.
U Specimen known 3,268,655 August 23, 1966 High Voltage Cable Spacer Insulator Device
Aerial spacer to hold three high voltage conductors and keep them spaced apart.
HAIGH, William Francis
MCMAHON, Chester
MCMAHON, Eugene Joseph
Spacer Fargo Manufacturing Co.

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