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SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent LEFT JOIN category ON category.patent = patent.patent AND category.type = patent.type WHERE (category.class = '174') AND (category.subclass = '163F') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type

Total of 7 patents found where: Class is '174'; Subclass is '163F';

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T / S Patent Date Description Patentee Category Assigned To
U 2,213,425 September 3, 1940 Insulator Fastener
Knob and bracket pin
YOUNG, Harry M.
Knob Western Wire Products Co.
U 2,222,810 November 26, 1940 Clamp for Connecting an Insulator to a Post
Electric fence with bracket to attach an easily adjustable insulator to a T-post
DAILY, Floyd H.
U 2,235,102 March 18, 1941 Insulator
Electric fence with bracket to attach an easily adjustable insulator to a T-post
FLEENER, Charles M.
U Specimen known 2,311,779 February 23, 1943 Insulating Apparatus For Electric Fences
Knob for fence post (porcelain SURGE insulator) (see 2,350,420) (see design 126,721) (see design 126,722) (see 2,454,348) [see picture 170540955]
SCHILLING, Lorell John
Electric Fence Babson Brothers Co.
U 2,468,907 May 3, 1949 Electric Fence Post
Electric fence composed of a rod and an easily adjustable insulator to hold the conductor
WILSON, Robert M.
U Specimen known 2,688,654 September 7, 1954 Insulator for Fence Posts
Knob for electric fence.
BUSSMANN, JR., Aloysius B.
U Specimen known 2,756,958 July 31, 1956 Insulator Mounting Clip
Mounting clip for an electric fence insulator (see patent 2,609,418)
BINNS, Jack N.
DUGLE, Thomas E.
ALT, Alvin F.
Electric Fence Planet Products Corp.

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