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SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent LEFT JOIN category ON category.patent = patent.patent AND category.type = patent.type WHERE (category.class = '174') AND (category.subclass = '201') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type

Total of 20 patents found where: Class is '174'; Subclass is '201';

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T / S Patent Date Description Patentee Category Assigned To
U 149,762 April 14, 1874 Improvement in Telegraph Insulators
Cylindrical grooved insulator held horizontally by pin
LE BARON, Charles L.
U Specimen known 353,120 November 23, 1886 Insulator
CD 187, U-81 & U-82, duplex insulator for underside of crossarm
BROWN, Robert G.
Insulator E. S. Greeley & Co.
U 443,174 December 23, 1890 Insulator
Wooden insulator used in a trolley wire hanger
EMMET, William Le Roy
U 566,045 August 18, 1896 Insulator for Electrical Purposes
Protective shield of metal with non-conducting enameled coating
WHITAKER, Alfred J. P.
TREHARNE, Frederick G.
Protective Shield  
U Specimen known 667,882 February 12, 1901 Feeder Wire Insulator
Mine insulator (similar to Sackett see 903,692) [CD 1025?]
KING, Charles K.
U Specimen known 696,665 April 1, 1902 Wire Insulator
Mine insulator
BENBOW, William C.
Mine The Benbow Co.
U 746,469 December 8, 1903 Electrical Wire Support
Wire support of cylindrical shape & metal support bolt to underhang wire
CULLEN, Beauregard
U 887,996 May 19, 1908 Combined Insulator and Lamp Hanger
Hanger for lamp
BURGE, James M.
U Specimen known 903,692 November 10, 1908 Feeder Wire Insulator
Mine insulator (Sackett type, similar to 667,882)
FINCKEL, George M.
Mine The Sackett Mine Supply Co.
U 904,069 November 17, 1908 Insulator
Strain insulator to electrically disconnect the circuit. (see reissue 13,526)
KEMPTON, Williard H.
Strain The Johns-Pratt Co.
U 971,322 September 27, 1910 Mine Insulator
Mine hanger insulator (see GB191027804)
SPEAKMAN, Charles W.
U 1,291,217 January 14, 1919 Adjustable Suspension Insulator
Suspension disk with adjustable length pin to equalize the potential across each disk to reduce arc-over
U 1,302,796 May 6, 1919 Insulator
HEARD, Thomas J.
Self-tying Miscellaneous  
U 1,311,977 August 5, 1919 Insulator Bracket
Bracket with lag screw fixed with nails for small spool insulator
KYLE, William D.
U Specimen known 1,329,656 February 3, 1920 Insulator
Nail knob made by Triangle M (Illinois Electric Porcelain Co.) with captivated nail. (DIXIE NAILIT)
FARGO, Arthur H.
Knob Charles Tremain
U 1,494,023 May 13, 1924 Insulator Bracket
Bracket made of stamped metal to fit upright in hole in crossarm or over top of crossarm to hang down and spool insulator mounted underneath
ROLFE, Charles A.
U 1,608,029 November 23, 1926 Insulator
Suspension insulator
LOCKE, Fred M.
U 1,712,860 May 14, 1929 Transposition Pin
Pin (metal) through crossarm for transposition
WEIMAR, Robert
U 1,927,639 September 19, 1933 Electric Insulator
Suspension insulator with hole in top to insert pin, plug to cement in the hole, and cap cemented over the top
U 2,623,094 December 23, 1952 Resiliently Mounted Spool Type Insulator
Rubber bushing for mounting Case type & rack type spool insulators
MARKLEY, William F.
Rubber Western Union Telegraph Co.

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