SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent LEFT JOIN category ON category.patent = patent.patent AND category.type = patent.type WHERE (category.class = '174') AND (category.subclass = '201') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type |
Total of 20 patents found where: Class is '174'; Subclass is '201';
View a patent by clicking on the patent number. You can sort by any of the columns by clicking on the column name.
T / S | Patent | Date | Description | Patentee | Category | Assigned To |
1874 | ||||||
U | 149,762 | April 14, 1874 | Improvement in Telegraph Insulators Cylindrical grooved insulator held horizontally by pin |
LE BARON, Charles L. |
Cylinder | |
1886 | ||||||
U ![]() |
353,120 | November 23, 1886 | Insulator CD 187, U-81 & U-82, duplex insulator for underside of crossarm |
BROWN, Robert G. |
Insulator | E. S. Greeley & Co. |
1890 | ||||||
U | 443,174 | December 23, 1890 | Insulator Wooden insulator used in a trolley wire hanger |
EMMET, William Le Roy |
Wood | |
1896 | ||||||
U | 566,045 | August 18, 1896 | Insulator for Electrical Purposes Protective shield of metal with non-conducting enameled coating |
WHITAKER, Alfred J. P. TREHARNE, Frederick G. |
Protective Shield | |
1901 | ||||||
U ![]() |
667,882 | February 12, 1901 | Feeder Wire Insulator Mine insulator (similar to Sackett see 903,692) [CD 1025?] |
KING, Charles K. |
Mine | |
1902 | ||||||
U ![]() |
696,665 | April 1, 1902 | Wire Insulator Mine insulator |
BENBOW, William C. |
Mine | The Benbow Co. |
1903 | ||||||
U | 746,469 | December 8, 1903 | Electrical Wire Support Wire support of cylindrical shape & metal support bolt to underhang wire |
CULLEN, Beauregard |
Wire | |
1908 | ||||||
U | 887,996 | May 19, 1908 | Combined Insulator and Lamp Hanger Hanger for lamp |
BURGE, James M. |
Hanger | |
U ![]() |
903,692 | November 10, 1908 | Feeder Wire Insulator Mine insulator (Sackett type, similar to 667,882) |
FINCKEL, George M. |
Mine | The Sackett Mine Supply Co. |
U | 904,069 | November 17, 1908 | Insulator Strain insulator to electrically disconnect the circuit. (see reissue 13,526) |
KEMPTON, Williard H. |
Strain | The Johns-Pratt Co. |
1910 | ||||||
U | 971,322 | September 27, 1910 | Mine Insulator Mine hanger insulator (see GB191027804) |
SPEAKMAN, Charles W. |
Mine | |
1919 | ||||||
U | 1,291,217 | January 14, 1919 | Adjustable Suspension Insulator Suspension disk with adjustable length pin to equalize the potential across each disk to reduce arc-over |
Suspension | |
U | 1,302,796 | May 6, 1919 | Insulator Self-tying |
HEARD, Thomas J. |
Self-tying Miscellaneous | |
U | 1,311,977 | August 5, 1919 | Insulator Bracket Bracket with lag screw fixed with nails for small spool insulator |
KYLE, William D. |
Bracket | |
1920 | ||||||
U ![]() |
1,329,656 | February 3, 1920 | Insulator Nail knob made by Triangle M (Illinois Electric Porcelain Co.) with captivated nail. (DIXIE NAILIT) |
FARGO, Arthur H. |
Knob | Charles Tremain |
1924 | ||||||
U | 1,494,023 | May 13, 1924 | Insulator Bracket Bracket made of stamped metal to fit upright in hole in crossarm or over top of crossarm to hang down and spool insulator mounted underneath |
ROLFE, Charles A. |
Bracket | |
1926 | ||||||
U | 1,608,029 | November 23, 1926 | Insulator Suspension insulator |
LOCKE, Fred M. |
Suspension | |
1929 | ||||||
U | 1,712,860 | May 14, 1929 | Transposition Pin Pin (metal) through crossarm for transposition |
WEIMAR, Robert |
Pin | |
1933 | ||||||
U | 1,927,639 | September 19, 1933 | Electric Insulator Suspension insulator with hole in top to insert pin, plug to cement in the hole, and cap cemented over the top |
GRAMSS, Ernst |
Suspension | |
1952 | ||||||
U | 2,623,094 | December 23, 1952 | Resiliently Mounted Spool Type Insulator Rubber bushing for mounting Case type & rack type spool insulators |
MARKLEY, William F. |
Rubber | Western Union Telegraph Co. |
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