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SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent LEFT JOIN category ON category.patent = patent.patent AND category.type = patent.type WHERE (category.class = '174') AND (category.subclass = '203') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type

Total of 20 patents found where: Class is '174'; Subclass is '203';

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T / S Patent Date Description Patentee Category Assigned To
U 492,394 February 28, 1893 Insulator Bracket
Bracket, adjustable angle with spring end for threads
EICHBERG, William N.
U 557,600 April 7, 1896 Insulator
Pin with spring coil
U 856,488 June 11, 1907 Insulator
Pin (metal) using spring for threads
PEIRCE, JR., Charles L.
Pin Peirce Specialty Co.
U 883,823 April 7, 1908 Insulator Support
Pin with coiled spring for threads
PEIRCE, JR., Charles L.
Pin Peirce Specialty Co.
U 937,736 October 19, 1909 Insulator
Pin with spring to fit into threads
FRANZ, Frank
U 1,095,860 May 5, 1914 Insulator Holder
Pin composed of metal wire
HEFFNER, Herman C.
U 1,143,983 June 22, 1915 Insulator Support
Pin with metal spring coil of varying diameter for threads
MILLER, Charles E.
U 1,157,037 October 19, 1915 Insulator Supporting Structure
Bracket stamped from sheet metal and curved upward with spring for threads
PEIRCE, JR., Charles L.
Bracket 1/2 to Hubbard & Co.
U 1,158,149 October 26, 1915 Insulator Support
Pin, metal with spring for threads (improvement on 856,488)
PEIRCE, JR., Charles L.
U 1,219,746 March 20, 1917 Insulator Bracket
Pin, side pin type made of sheet metal
U 1,219,862 March 20, 1917 Separable Insulator Thimble Structure
Thimble designed to be removable with external & internal threads
PEIRCE, JR., Charles L.
Thimble Hubbard & Co.
U 1,306,670 June 10, 1919 Insulating Support
Suspension cap and pin to improve strength of connection
LANYON, Samuel H.
U 1,385,638 July 26, 1921 Supporting Bracket
Steel pin with lag screw and spring for threads
MILLER, Charles E.
U 1,444,434 February 6, 1923 Insulator Supporting Pin
Pin with corkscrew for threading into bottom of Electrose insulator
U 1,489,809 April 8, 1924 Insulator
Suspension with ribbed sheet metal in pin and cap for better adhesion of cement
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,546,591 July 21, 1925 Cushion Head Insulator Pin
Threads on a pin made of soft metal wire such as lead
KYLE, William D.
Pin Line Material Co.
U 1,591,883 July 6, 1926 Insulator Pin
Steel pin with lag screw and spring for threads
PEIRCE, JR., Charles L.
U 1,715,507 June 4, 1929 Insulator Mounting
Steel pin with malleable threaded thimble and coil spring for threads to contact the insulator pinhole
KYLE, William D.
Pin Line Material Co.
U 1,911,031 May 23, 1933 Insulator Support
Steel pin, support base, and threads made of a spring coil
MILLER, Charles E.
Pin Hubbard & Co.
U 1,911,558 May 30, 1933 Insulator Pin
Steel pin with threads made of a spring coil
DRIGGS, Lorenzo J.
Pin Frank F. Winters

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