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SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent LEFT JOIN category ON category.patent = patent.patent AND category.type = patent.type WHERE (category.class = '248') AND (category.subclass = '309.2') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type

Total of 8 patents found where: Class is '248'; Subclass is '309.2';

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T / S Patent Date Description Patentee Category Assigned To
U 386,986 July 31, 1888 Electric Insulator Peg
Pin (wooden) tapered below threads & to have metal rod inserted, too
JOSLIN, William E.
U Specimen known 436,120 September 9, 1890 Insulator Bracket
Bracket of metal with split threads
U 505,123 September 19, 1893 Insulator Pin
Pin (wooden) strengthened by metal rod
O'NEILL, James J.
U 527,318 October 9, 1894 Insulator Pin
Pin, wooden with internal reinforcing metal bar
BULLOCK, Edward J.
Pin 1/2 to Merwin Tuttle
U 1,157,037 October 19, 1915 Insulator Supporting Structure
Bracket stamped from sheet metal and curved upward with spring for threads
PEIRCE, JR., Charles L.
Bracket 1/2 to Hubbard & Co.
U 1,195,263 August 22, 1916 Insulator Support
Bracket, sheet metal stamped in U-bracket with attached threads
PEIRCE, JR., Charles L.
Bracket 1/2 to Hubbard & Co.
U 1,520,218 December 23, 1924 Insulator Bracket
Bracket made of stamped metal
BARNARD, Thomas A.
U 2,032,017 February 25, 1936 Sheet Metal Insulator Support Pin and Method of Making the Same
Steel sheet metal pin easily manufactured
HOCHER, Andrew A.
LASHER, Marshall
Pin Hubbard and Co.

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