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SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent LEFT JOIN category ON category.patent = patent.patent AND category.type = patent.type WHERE (category.class = '425') AND (category.subclass = '457') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type

Total of 7 patents found where: Class is '425'; Subclass is '457';

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T / S Patent Date Description Patentee Category Assigned To
U 774,765 November 15, 1904 Art and Method of Manufacturing Earthenware Insulators
Earthenware, manufacture of
LOCKE, Fred M.
U 790,214 May 16, 1905 Method of Manufacturing High Potential Earthenware Insulators
Earthenware, manufacture of hi-potential insulators
LOCKE, Fred M.
U 1,204,745 November 14, 1916 Pressure Die for Insulator Pressing Molds
Insulator threading press
U Specimen known 1,407,550 February 21, 1922 Method and Machine for Forming Impressions in Plastic Articles
Threading porcelain by gyrating the thread mandrel (""wobbler"" method)
LAPP, John
U 1,719,989 July 9, 1929 Method of and Apparatus for Assembling Insulators
Method of assembling the shells, holding downward pressure, and vibrating to settle cement around the shells to eliminate air
MOORE, JR., Stewart L.
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,929,737 October 10, 1933 Apparatus for Molding Insulators
Die to hot press to form an insulator for street lights with one part of the mold rotating and a stationary part to form petticoats with integral lugs (see 2,007,567)
FISCHER, Eugene H.
Manufacturing The Harford Faience Co.
U 2,068,941 January 26, 1937 Process and Apparatus for Manufacturing Insulators
Plunger to first form the pinhole in a porcelain insulator by first plunging a pinhole without threads then form the threads
BOVARD, Floyd G.
Press The Ohio Brass Co.

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