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SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent WHERE (assigned_to = 'Ette Investment Co.') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type

Total of 12 patents found where: Assigned To is 'Ette Investment Co.';

View a patent by clicking on the patent number. You can sort by any of the columns by clicking on the column name.

T / S Patent Date Description Patentee Category Assigned To
U 905,414 December 1, 1908 Metallic Insulator Pin
Pin, split metal
ETTE, Charles G.
Pin Ette Investment Co.
U 906,003 December 8, 1908 Insulator Pin
Pin (metal) with split threads for cushion material and wedge end in crossarm
ETTE, Charles G.
Pin Ette Investment Co.
U 906,787 December 15, 1908 Insulator Pin
Pin, metal with wood cob and flange to nail to crossarm
ETTE, Charles G.
Pin Ette Investment Co.
U 995,123 June 13, 1911 Insulator Pin
Pin, metal with threaded bushing
ETTE, Charles G.
Pin Ette Investment Co.
U 1,000,389 August 15, 1911 Insulator Bracket
Steel bracket that fits around the crossarm
ETTE, Charles G.
Bracket Ette Investment Co.
U 1,027,708 May 28, 1912 Metallic Crossarm for Poles
Metal crossarm with metal pins
ETTE, Charles G.
Pin Ette Investment Co.
U 1,027,709 May 28, 1912 Pole Cross Arm
Metal crossarm with metal pins
ETTE, Charles G.
Pin Ette Investment Co.
U 1,027,710 May 28, 1912 Pole Cross Arm
Metal crossarm with metal pins
ETTE, Charles G.
Pin Ette Investment Co.
U 1,027,711 May 28, 1912 Pole Cross Arm
Metal crossarm with metal pins
ETTE, Charles G.
Pin Ette Investment Co.
U 1,027,712 May 28, 1912 Insulator Supporting Device
Metal pin to clamp around metal crossarm with hinged side part
ETTE, Charles G.
Pin Ette Investment Co.
U 1,030,574 June 25, 1912 Insulator Supporting Device
Bracket (metal) that slides along crossarm for insulator above and below crossarm
ETTE, Charles G.
Bracket Ette Investment Co.
U 1,045,536 November 26, 1912 Insulator Pin
Pin (metal) with elastic washer under threads to firmly hold insulator, prevent breakage
ETTE, Charles G.
Pin Ette Investment Co.

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