SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent WHERE (assigned_to = 'Line Material Co.') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type |
Total of 36 patents found where: Assigned To is 'Line Material Co.';
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T / S | Patent | Date | Description | Patentee | Category | Assigned To |
1925 | ||||||
U | 1,546,591 | July 21, 1925 | Cushion Head Insulator Pin Threads on a pin made of soft metal wire such as lead |
KYLE, William D. |
Pin | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,562,836 | November 24, 1925 | Pin for Insulators Pin with 3 or 4 soft-metal ribs that form threads to screw into the insulator |
KYLE, William D. |
Pin | Line Material Co. |
1926 | ||||||
U | 1,583,462 | May 4, 1926 | Supporting Pin for Insulators Pin bracket that fits around and bolts to crossarm |
HENDEE, Lem E. |
Pin | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,594,207 | July 27, 1926 | Insulator Wireholder with lag screw and ring |
KYLE, William D. |
Wireholder | Line Material Co. |
U ![]() |
1,595,653 | August 10, 1926 | Tree Insulator Tree hanger - self-tying twist lock with lag screw |
GAMMON, Thomas E. AVERILL, Henry D. |
Tree | 1/2 to Line Material Co. |
U | 1,611,464 | December 21, 1926 | Insulator Support Fixture Bracket for rack spool wireholders |
LEMONT, Clarence J. |
Bracket | Line Material Co. |
1927 | ||||||
U | 1,613,464 | January 4, 1927 | Reinforced Insulator Wireholder with lag screw and or U-shaped metal bracket |
KYLE, William D. |
Wireholder | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,651,704 | December 6, 1927 | Line Insulator Wireholder with lag screw |
HENDEE, Lem E. |
Wireholder | Line Material Co. |
1928 | ||||||
U | 1,663,011 | March 20, 1928 | Line Conductor Insulator Wireholder with lag screw and bolt attachment |
KYLE, William D. |
Wireholder | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,674,905 | June 26, 1928 | Insulator Wireholder with lag screw embedded in eye-shaped insulator |
KYLE, William D. HENDEE, Lem E. |
Wireholder | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,696,491 | December 25, 1928 | Insulator Rack Simply constructed secondary rack without the base and other parts. Just composed of rods to hold the spool insulators and fastening bracket. |
KYLE, William D. |
Bracket/secondary Rack | Line Material Co. |
1929 | ||||||
U | 1,706,237 | March 19, 1929 | Secondary Rack Wireholder with hole near the bottom for attaching to a metal rack and hole near the top for securing the drop wire. |
KYLE, William D. |
Wireholder | Line Material Co. |
U ![]() |
1,709,477 | April 16, 1929 | Insulator Wireholder with lag screw |
KYLE, William D. |
Wireholder | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,715,507 | June 4, 1929 | Insulator Mounting Steel pin with malleable threaded thimble and coil spring for threads to contact the insulator pinhole |
KYLE, William D. |
Pin | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,720,181 | July 9, 1929 | Insulator Wireholder |
KYLE, William D. |
Wireholder | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,736,043 | November 19, 1929 | Insulator Knob |
KYLE, William D. |
Knob | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,736,044 | November 19, 1929 | Screw Insulator Wireholder with lag screw |
KYLE, William D. |
Wireholder | Line Material Co. |
1930 | ||||||
U | 1,749,915 | March 11, 1930 | Insulator Rack Wireholder mounted on a rack |
KYLE, William D. |
Wireholder | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,779,501 | October 28, 1930 | Insulator Wireholder with lag screw |
Wireholder | Line Material Co. |
1931 | ||||||
U | 1,797,219 | March 24, 1931 | Insulator Supporting Fixture Bracket for secondary rack spools using inexpensive, strong construction |
BENNETT, George R. |
Bracket | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,797,238 | March 24, 1931 | Insulator Mounting Pin Pin with threaded lead head for screwing into an insulator |
LEMONT, Clarence J. |
Pin | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,799,470 | April 7, 1931 | Secondary Rack Simply constructed secondary rack without the base and other parts. Just composed of rods to hold the spool insulators and fastening bracket. |
KYLE, William D. |
Bracket/secondary Rack | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,821,221 | September 1, 1931 | Insulator and Terminal Metal terminal mounted on outside of a secondary rack insulator or wireholder that is used to secure the deadend of the drop wire with the terminal making the connection to the wire leading into the building eliminating the need for soldering or other poor connection (see 1,821,222; 1,877,903; 1,914,436) |
KYLE, William D. |
Bracket/secondary Rack | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,821,222 | September 1, 1931 | Insulator Metal terminal mounted on outside of a secondary rack insulator or wireholder that is used to secure the deadend of the drop wire with the terminal making the connection to the wire leading into the building eliminating the need for soldering or other poor connection (see 1,821,221; 1,877,903; 1,914,436) |
KYLE, William D. |
Bracket/secondary Rack | Line Material Co. |
1933 | ||||||
U | 1,914,436 | June 20, 1933 | Insulator Metal terminal built into a secondary rack insulator or wireholder that is used to secure the deadend of the drop wire with the terminal making the connection to the wire leading into the building eliminating the need for soldering or other poor connection (see 1,821,221; 1,821,222; 1,877,903) |
KYLE, William D. |
Bracket/secondary Rack | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,914,437 | June 20, 1933 | Insulator Wireholder with lag screw |
KYLE, William D. |
Wireholder | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,937,764 | December 5, 1933 | Insulator Self-tying tree insulator with mounting lag screw and convoluted metal wire clip cemented in the porcelain insulator designed such that the insulator is turned to allow the conductor to be dropped in the slot between the ends of the wire clip and then the insulator is turned 90 degrees to secure the condutor in the wire clip. |
KYLE, William D. |
Tree Insulator | Line Material Co. |
1935 | ||||||
U | 2,016,470 | October 8, 1935 | Secondary Rack and the Process of Making Same Simple secondary rack construction to reduce cost. |
WHITE, Leonard H. |
Bracket/secondary Rack | Line Material Co. |
1940 | ||||||
U | 2,191,171 | February 20, 1940 | Insulator Wireholder with lag screw |
LEE, Leffman H. GUTHRIE, James M. |
Wireholder | Line Material Co. |
U | 2,218,004 | October 15, 1940 | Porcelain Insulator Screw Bracket Wireholder with lag screw |
LEMONT, Clarence J. |
Wireholder | Line Material Co. |
1941 | ||||||
U | 2,241,212 | May 6, 1941 | Insulator Pin Reinforcing Bracket Bracket attached to pin offers lateral support to prevent the bending of the pin |
MACK, Edward A. |
Bracket/pin | Line Material Co. |
U | 2,259,526 | October 21, 1941 | Insulator Wireholder with lag screw (see reissue 22,269 on 4-11-1944) |
LEMONT, Clarence J. |
Wireholder | Line Material Co. |
U | 2,260,917 | October 28, 1941 | Insulator Pin Steel pin with flanges to fit in top and bottom of hole drilled for larger wooden pins |
RUGGIERI, Michael |
Pin | Line Material Co. |
1942 | ||||||
U | 2,296,679 | September 22, 1942 | Service Drop Insulator Service drop bracket and insulator to tie-off multiple service lines from one main conductor |
MACK, Edward A. |
Service Drop | Line Material Co. |
1944 | ||||||
R | 22,469 | April 11, 1944 | Insulator Wireholder with lag screw (reissue of 2,259,526) |
LEMONT, Clarence J. |
Wireholder | Line Material Co. |
1946 | ||||||
U | 2,392,342 | January 8, 1946 | Combined Spark Gap and Insulator CD 186, CD 186.1, CD 186.2; Transparent glass insulator with spark gap within the insulator for signal circuits |
Spark Gap | Line Material Co. |
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