SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent WHERE (assigned_to = 'Porcelain Products, Inc.') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type |
Total of 8 patents found where: Assigned To is 'Porcelain Products, Inc.';
View a patent by clicking on the patent number. You can sort by any of the columns by clicking on the column name.
T / S | Patent | Date | Description | Patentee | Category | Assigned To |
1935 | ||||||
U | 2,024,831 | December 17, 1935 | Insulator Spool type wireholder and lag screw bracket |
MEYER, Edwin M. |
Wireholder | Porcelain Products, Inc. |
1938 | ||||||
D ![]() |
108,489 | February 15, 1938 | Design for an Electric Insulator Standard Porcelain No. 57 |
DALTON, Rolland E. |
Knob | Porcelain Products, Inc. |
1941 | ||||||
U | 2,234,604 | March 11, 1941 | Molding Apparatuse Automatic press for molding nail knobs |
PECK, Lee H. |
Press | Porcelain Products, Inc. |
1942 | ||||||
U | 2,269,409 | January 6, 1942 | Wire Holder Wireholder with lag screw |
MCCHESNEY, JR., Samuel Waldrop |
Wireholder | Porcelain Products, Inc. |
U | 2,278,330 | March 31, 1942 | Multipost Line Insulator Two post insulators joined together with elongated metal bottom cap |
MEYER, Edwin M. |
Insulator | Porcelain Products, Inc. |
U ![]() |
2,286,488 | June 16, 1942 | Spool Insulator Spool insulator with deep side groove |
JOHNSON, Lewis E. |
Spool | Porcelain Products, Inc. |
U | 2,286,496 | June 16, 1942 | Wire Holder Wireholder with lag screw |
MEYER, Edwin M. |
Wireholder | Porcelain Products, Inc. |
1943 | ||||||
U | 2,323,967 | July 13, 1943 | Thimble Equipped Insulator Malleable metal thimble cemented in the pinhole with a flange to cover the cement |
BARNITZ, Richard W. |
Thimble | Porcelain Products, Inc. |
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