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SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent LEFT JOIN name ON name.patent = patent.patent AND name.type = patent.type WHERE (last_name = 'PECK') AND (first_name = 'John M.') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type

Total of 6 patents found where: Last Name is 'PECK'; First Name is 'John M.';

View a patent by clicking on the patent number. You can sort by any of the columns by clicking on the column name.

T / S Patent Date Description Patentee Category Assigned To
U 1,251,097 December 25, 1917 Strain Insulator
Suspension using metal rings to secure pin and cap
PECK, John M.
Suspension Locke Insulator Mfg. Co.
U 1,558,498 October 27, 1925 Method of Making Insulators
Multipart, cementing of sections (see Pinco catalog page 3)
PECK, John M.
BENNETT, Cornelius Van Dyke
RYAN, James W.
Multipart The Porcelain Insulator Corp.
U 1,558,499 October 27, 1925 Insulator Construction
Multipart cementing of sections using resilient cement and non-resilient cement
PECK, John M.
Multipart The Porcelain Insulator Corp.
U 1,645,447 October 11, 1927 Suspension Insulator
Suspension, method of cementing metal bolt using flexible thimble
PECK, John M.
Suspension The Porcelain Insulator Corp.
U 1,649,853 November 22, 1927 Sectional Insulator
Multipart design with nested parts forming the cement joints
PECK, John M.
Multipart The Porcelain Insulator Corp.
U 1,653,117 December 20, 1927 Suspension Insulator
Suspension, method of cementing metal bolt using flexible thimble
PECK, John M.
Suspension The Porcelain Insulator Corp.

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