SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent LEFT JOIN name ON name.patent = patent.patent AND name.type = patent.type WHERE (last_name = 'HOLMES') AND (first_name = 'Minot K.') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type |
Total of 21 patents found where: Last Name is 'HOLMES'; First Name is 'Minot K.';
View a patent by clicking on the patent number. You can sort by any of the columns by clicking on the column name.
T / S | Patent | Date | Description | Patentee | Category | Assigned To |
1914 | ||||||
U | 1,088,278 | February 24, 1914 | Rain Guard for Insulators Protective metal rain guard for bottom of skirt |
HOLMES, Minot K. |
Protective Shield | Hemingray Glass Co. |
1915 | ||||||
U | 1,133,244 | March 23, 1915 | Glass Working Machine for making bottles |
HOLMES, Minot K. |
HI | Hemingray Glass Co. |
1916 | ||||||
U | 1,193,787 | August 8, 1916 | Glass Working Machine Press for making insulators |
HOLMES, Minot K. |
Press | Hemingray Glass Co. |
U | 1,193,788 | August 8, 1916 | Glass Furnace Glass furnace design with large doghouse |
HOLMES, Minot K. |
HI | Hemingray Glass Co. |
1924 | ||||||
U | 1,501,602 | July 15, 1924 | Leer Feeder Automatic leer feeder |
HOLMES, Minot K. |
Manufacturing | Hemingray Glass Co. |
1927 | ||||||
U | 1,642,658 | September 13, 1927 | Glass Working Machine Press for making insulators |
HOLMES, Minot K. |
Press | Hemingray Glass Co. |
1928 | ||||||
U | 1,678,942 | July 31, 1928 | Mechanical Movement Gear for automatic insulator press |
HOLMES, Minot K. |
Press | Hemingray Glass Co. |
1930 | ||||||
D | 82,326 | October 21, 1930 | Design For a Bottle Graf's Zep soda bottle |
HOLMES, Minot K. |
HI | Hemingray Glass Co. |
1936 | ||||||
D | 101,360 | September 29, 1936 | Design for a Hollow Glass Building Block Block design with fine bars & medium flutes on opposing sides |
HOLMES, Minot K. |
OI | Owens-Illinois Glass Co. |
1937 | ||||||
U ![]() |
2,094,287 | September 28, 1937 | Method of Manufacturing Multipart Glass Articles Method to manufacture multiple glass objects (blocks, insulators, etc.) |
ZIMMERMAN, Willard P. HOLMES, Minot K. |
Method | Owens-Illinois Glass Co. |
D | 106,977 | November 16, 1937 | Design for a Hollow Glass Building Block Block design with internal double ridged bars |
HOLMES, Minot K. |
OI | Owens-Illinois Glass Co. |
1938 | ||||||
U | 2,105,174 | January 11, 1938 | Method of Manufacturing Multipart Glass Articles Aluminum welding of blocks |
ZIMMERMAN, Willard P. HOLMES, Minot K. |
OI | Owens-Illinois Glass Co. |
U | 2,110,900 | March 15, 1938 | Building Block Aluminum welding of blocks with aluminum foil |
ZIMMERMAN, Willard P. HOLMES, Minot K. |
OI | Owens-Illinois Glass Co. |
U | 2,127,150 | August 16, 1938 | Method of Forming Hollow Glass Articles Internal decorating of blocks prior to assembly |
ZIMMERMAN, Willard P. HOLMES, Minot K. |
OI | Owens-Illinois Glass Co. |
1939 | ||||||
U | 2,143,696 | January 10, 1939 | Apparatus for Assembling Hollow Building Blocks Semi automatic method for assembling glass blocks |
HOLMES, Minot K. JONES, David |
OI | Owens-Illinois Glass Co. |
U | 2,149,246 | February 28, 1939 | Method of Manufacturing Hollow Glass Articles Aluminum welding of blocks |
ZIMMERMAN, Willard P. HOLMES, Minot K. |
OI | Owens-Illinois Glass Co. |
1940 | ||||||
U | 2,198,578 | April 30, 1940 | Double Glazing Double pane window glass with aluminum seal |
HAZELTON, Benjamin F. ZIMMERMAN, Willard P. HOLMES, Minot K. |
OI | Owens-Illinois Glass Co. |
1941 | ||||||
U | 2,267,202 | December 23, 1941 | Fuse Box Construction Improved design of fuse holder box made of glass |
HOLMES, Minot K. MCMAHON, George F. RAMSEY, Allan |
Fuse Holder | Schweitzer & Conrad, Inc. |
1943 | ||||||
U ![]() |
2,336,864 | December 14, 1943 | Apparatus For Forming Insulators CD 1030: Wireholder made of glass, press for making the design |
HOLMES, Minot K. |
Insulator | Owens-Illinois Glass Co. |
1944 | ||||||
U | 2,352,151 | June 20, 1944 | Insulator CD 1030; Wireholder made of glass with detachable, interchangeable mounting pins |
HOLMES, Minot K. |
Wireholder | Owens-Illinois Glass Co. |
1947 | ||||||
U | 2,418,713 | April 8, 1947 | Thermally Toughened Insulator CD 228.5: tempering the surface of glass insulators for added strength |
HOLMES, Minot K. PLUMMER, Jesse H. |
Insulator | Owens-Illinois Glass Co. |
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