SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent LEFT JOIN name ON name.patent = patent.patent AND name.type = patent.type WHERE (last_name = 'MARKLEY') AND (first_name = 'William F.') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type |
Total of 3 patents found where: Last Name is 'MARKLEY'; First Name is 'William F.';
View a patent by clicking on the patent number. You can sort by any of the columns by clicking on the column name.
T / S | Patent | Date | Description | Patentee | Category | Assigned To |
1950 | ||||||
U | 2,526,917 | October 24, 1950 | Line Wire Spacer Line wire spacer bracket for carrier circuits |
WHEELER, Herbert H. MARKLEY, William F. |
Spacer | Western Union Telegraph Co. |
1952 | ||||||
U | 2,623,094 | December 23, 1952 | Resiliently Mounted Spool Type Insulator Rubber bushing for mounting Case type & rack type spool insulators |
MARKLEY, William F. |
Rubber | Western Union Telegraph Co. |
1962 | ||||||
U ![]() |
3,061,667 | October 30, 1962 | Telegraph Pole Line Insulator Rubber pin type insulator (Brown p. 91) |
MARKLEY, William F. SLATER, James L. |
Rubber | Western Union Telegraph Co. |
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