SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent LEFT JOIN name ON name.patent = patent.patent AND name.type = patent.type WHERE (residence = 'Le Roy, NY') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type |
Total of 19 patents found where: Residence is 'Le Roy, NY';
View a patent by clicking on the patent number. You can sort by any of the columns by clicking on the column name.
T / S | Patent | Date | Description | Patentee | Category | Assigned To |
1859 | ||||||
U | 25,077 | August 9, 1859 | Improved Construction of Lightning Rods Lightning rod made of sheet metal formed with spiral-fluted sides |
BALDWIN, L. S. PARKS, Lucius |
Lightning Rod | L. S. Baldwin |
1922 | ||||||
U ![]() |
1,424,924 | August 8, 1922 | Method of Producing Clay Bodies Vacuum process for removing air from the clay. Patent was owned by Lapp Insulator Co. |
LAPP, Grover W. |
Vacuum | |
U | 1,427,213 | August 29, 1922 | Lathe Lathe to cut insulator profile using a profile template |
LAPP, John S. |
Lathe | Lapp Insulator Co. |
1924 | ||||||
U | 1,515,864 | November 18, 1924 | Method of Testing Insulators Testing method by extending the flashover distance |
LAPP, Grover W. |
Testing | |
1925 | ||||||
U | 1,561,002 | November 10, 1925 | Method of Producing Clay Bodies and Apparatus Used Vacuum process for removing air from the clay |
LAPP, Grover W. |
Vacuum | Lapp Insulator Co., Inc. |
1927 | ||||||
U | 1,654,047 | December 27, 1927 | Strain Insulator Strain insulator with steel covering whereby the porcelain insulator is in compression |
LAPP, John S. |
Strain | Lapp Insulator Co. |
1929 | ||||||
U | 1,710,880 | April 30, 1929 | Insulator Stack Pedestal type stackable insulators with metal flanges that can be easily adjusted |
LAPP, John S. |
Pedestal | Lapp Insulator Co., Inc. |
1933 | ||||||
U | 1,901,349 | March 14, 1933 | 270 Degree Clamp Bracket or clamp for high tension suspension insulator used to redirect the conductor 270 degrees in another direction. Clamps also found with patent 2,111,505. |
LAPP, John S. |
Suspension | Lapp Insulator Co., Inc. |
U | 1,937,964 | December 5, 1933 | Insulator Support for Tower or Mast Type Antenna Insulator for supporting radio tower or mast antenna |
JENNER, Ralph L. |
Antenna | Lapp Insulator Co., Inc. |
1935 | ||||||
U | 1,998,549 | April 23, 1935 | Insulator Construction Insulator that will withstand high compression and support the weight of a radio antenna |
LAPP, Grover W. JENNER, Ralph L. |
Antenna | Lapp Insulator Co., Inc. |
1939 | ||||||
U | 2,144,537 | January 17, 1939 | Insulator Construction Metal end cap for post insulator |
JENNER, Ralph L. |
Post Type | Lapp Insulator Co., Inc. |
1943 | ||||||
U | 2,327,972 | August 24, 1943 | High Strength Ceramic Surface Manufacturing method of using porcelain ""sand"" with a lower coefficient of expansion than the insulator body to rough up the surface and provide a strong cement joint without reducing the effectiveness of the compression glaze (see 2,337,691) |
STETTINIUS, Kenneth E. DEWEY, Benjamin F. |
Manufacturing | Lapp Insulator Co., Inc. |
U | 2,337,691 | December 28, 1943 | Method of Making High Strength Ceramic Surfaces Method of manufacturing insulators using porcelain ""sand"" with a lower coefficient of expansion than the insulator body to rough up the surface and provide a strong cement joint without reducing the effectiveness of the compression glaze (see 2,327,972) |
STETTINIUS, Kenneth E. DEWEY, Benjamin F. |
Manufacturing | Lapp Insulator Co., Inc. |
1949 | ||||||
U | 2,481,729 | September 13, 1949 | Porcelain Insulator Body Porcelain clay body with an increased firing range |
DEWEY, Benjamin F. |
Porcelain | Lapp Insulator Co., Inc. |
1952 | ||||||
U | 2,582,442 | January 15, 1952 | Power Wrench Mechanism for Ceramic Filter Presses A motorized wrench to tighten the screw on the leaves of a clay filter press that can be moved from one press to the other. |
LAPP, Grover W. |
Filter Press | Lapp Insulator Co., Inc. |
1953 | ||||||
U | 2,625,581 | January 13, 1953 | Guy Insulator Heavy duty guy strain insulator |
JENNER, Ralph L. FIERO, Carl D. |
Strain | Lapp Insulator Co., Inc. |
1961 | ||||||
U | 2,986,595 | May 30, 1961 | Post Type Insulator and Method of Making the Same Method of sealing the internal part of the insulator to protect its electrical resistance |
FIERO, Carl D. COREY, Charles E. |
Post Type | Lapp Insulator Co., Inc. |
1967 | ||||||
U | 3,347,003 | October 17, 1967 | Protective Mounting Structure for Retractable Antenna Retractable antenna for a bomb shelter |
LAPP, Rudolph S. |
Antenna | Lapp Insulator Co., Inc. |
1971 | ||||||
U | 3,582,538 | June 1, 1971 | Prestressed Insulator Prestressing post type insulators by making porcelain in compression in order to increase cantilever load |
KILLIAN, Stanley C. DEWEY, Benjamin F. |
Post Type | Interpace Corp. |
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