SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent LEFT JOIN name ON name.patent = patent.patent AND name.type = patent.type WHERE (residence = 'Trenton, NJ') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type |
Total of 13 patents found where: Residence is 'Trenton, NJ';
View a patent by clicking on the patent number. You can sort by any of the columns by clicking on the column name.
T / S | Patent | Date | Description | Patentee | Category | Assigned To |
1892 | ||||||
U | 473,497 | April 26, 1892 | Pug Mill Pug mill for extruding clay |
CROSSLEY, Joseph |
Pug Mill | |
U | 474,496 | May 10, 1892 | Apparatus for Molding Earthenware, &c. Press to form lateral indentions or wire grooves around the side of the insulator to such as for standard porcelain knobs |
CROSSLEY, Joseph |
Press | |
1893 | ||||||
U | 498,539 | May 30, 1893 | Junction-Block for Electric Fixtures Cut-out or junction block made in a horseshoe shape |
DUGGAN, Frederic A. |
Fuse Holder | |
U | 508,687 | November 14, 1893 | Cleat for Electric Wiring Cleat (2-wire) - 2 piece |
DUGGAN, Frederic A. |
Cleat | |
1895 | ||||||
U | 533,212 | January 29, 1895 | Combined Jigger and Pulldown Press or jigger gearing and mechanism for forming earthen ware articles such as dishes and pottery |
CROSSLEY, Joseph |
Press | |
1897 | ||||||
U | 575,090 | January 12, 1897 | Cleat Cleat with ridges to hold wire in grooves |
ADAM, Carl F. |
Cleat | |
1904 | ||||||
U | 772,132 | October 11, 1904 | Filter Cloth Design of filter cloth for filter press that reduces the water content of clay |
CROSSLEY, Joseph |
Filter Press | |
1905 | ||||||
U | 806,588 | December 5, 1905 | Electrical Insulator Oval shaped nail-knob with saddle top for cap to fit over the saddle |
SINCLAIR, Herbert |
Knob | |
1907 | ||||||
U | 855,208 | May 28, 1907 | Insulator nail-knob with top part fitting inside the bottom and with an offset nail hole. Specimen was found at Star Porcelain Co. dump with embossed marking IDEAL. |
SINCLAIR, Herbert |
Knob | |
1913 | ||||||
U | 1,072,999 | September 9, 1913 | Tubular Insulator miscellaneous |
SIMCOE, George |
Miscellaneous | |
1915 | ||||||
U | 1,147,498 | July 20, 1915 | Divided Insulator Reversible nail-knob |
FREEMAN, Edgar H. |
Knob | Trenton Porcelain Co. |
1921 | ||||||
U | 1,374,029 | April 5, 1921 | Tone Foot for Phonographs A rubber base with glass insert to support phonograph legs |
PRICKETT, William H. |
Piano | |
1927 | ||||||
U | 1,633,462 | June 21, 1927 | Ceramic Insulating Material Clay mixture to produce a black porcelain body. |
SORTWELL, Harold H. |
Porcelain | Star Porcelain Co. |
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