SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent WHERE (date >= '1868-00-00' AND date < '1869-00-00') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type |
Total of 14 patents found where: Year is 1868
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T / S | Patent | Date | Description | Patentee | Category | Assigned To |
1868 | ||||||
U | 74,406 | February 11, 1868 | Improvement in Lightning Rods Lightning rod made with twists and folds |
MUNSON, David |
Lightning Rod | |
R | 2,888 | March 3, 1868 | Improvement in Lightning Rods Lightning rod made by wrapping thin copper sheet metal around a steel rod (see 25,823) |
HALL, William |
Lightning Rod | |
U | 75,365 | March 10, 1868 | Improvement in Insulators Hook and block inserted in a bracket |
CASTLE, Alfred H. |
Hook | |
U | 75,492 | March 10, 1868 | Improvement in Telegraph Poles Wire wrapped pole and crossarms to carry leaking electricity to ground |
VARLEY, Cromwell F. |
Wire | |
U | 75,815 | March 24, 1868 | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraphs Earthenware insulator, cemented galvanized pin coated with paraffin (Brown p. 57) |
VARLEY, Cromwell F. |
Earthenware | |
U | 75,889 | March 24, 1868 | Improvement in Telegraph Insulators Hook with metal case secured to crossarm (see reissue 75,889) |
FINN, J. L. |
Hook | |
U | 76,358 | April 7, 1868 | Improvement in Electric Telegraphs Rubber in porcelain or glass shell; glazed shell; sharp drip edge; ears |
VARLEY, Cromwell F. |
Rubber | |
U | 76,960 | April 21, 1868 | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraphs Oil, wax or rubber saturated insulator to improve same (Brown p. 57) |
VARLEY, Cromwell F. |
Oil | |
U | 77,729 | May 12, 1868 | Improvement in Lightning Rods Lightning rod made of wire or iron with a sheet of copper wrapped several times around it |
HALL, William |
Lightning Rod | |
U | 78,459 | June 2, 1868 | Improvement in Lightning Rods Means of connecting tubular lightning rods and supporting with rubber brackets |
KIRTLAND, George |
Lightning Rod Coupling | S. Smith |
U | 79,618 | July 7, 1868 | Improvement in Pointed Brackets for Lightning Rods Lightning rod brass supporting bracket with point attached |
WELLS, Martin |
Lightning Rod | |
U | 79,951 | July 14, 1868 | Improvement in Insulators Hook, improvement on 75,365 |
Hook | |
U | 80,205 | July 21, 1868 | Improvement in Lightning Rods Lightning rod composed of strands of triangular shaped wire twised into rope and ends of the strands bent out to make multiple points |
OTIS, George W. |
Lightning Rod | |
U | 84,210 | November 17, 1868 | Improvement in Lightning Rods Lightning rod made of flat U-shaped metal that can be easily fastened together |
MUNSON, David |
Lightning Rod |
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