SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent WHERE (date >= '1918-00-00' AND date < '1919-00-00') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type |
Total of 41 patents found where: Year is 1918
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T / S | Patent | Date | Description | Patentee | Category | Assigned To |
1918 | ||||||
U ![]() |
1,257,135 | February 19, 1918 | Guying-Pole Cast iron member with three lugs for threadhing through guy cable on either side of the guy strain insulator which eliminates the need for clamps and is easier to install. |
SHULL, Frederick G. DE RIGHT, Elon J. |
Guy Strain | (marketed by the Shull Boltless Clamp Corp.) |
U | 1,257,769 | February 26, 1918 | Telephone Pole Cross Arm Crossarm made of U-shaped metal channel iron fitted with knob insulators bolted to the crossarm. A lower crossarm is then bolted on its ends to the upper crossarm. |
VINCELL, Lafayette M. |
Crossarm | |
U | 1,257,983 | March 5, 1918 | Insulator Self-tying |
DE VAUGHN, Clyde T. |
Self-tying Miscellaneous | |
U | 1,258,211 | March 5, 1918 | Insulator Support Multipart supporting pin |
GODDARD, Walter T. |
Multipart | Locke Insulator Mfg. Co. |
U ![]() |
1,258,802 | March 12, 1918 | Insulator Support Tree type - swinging type with bracket and roller on pin type insulator |
MORGAN, Andrew J. |
Tree | |
U | 1,258,816 | March 12, 1918 | Insulator Pin Steel pin with conical support base that fits in grooved steel base that fits over the top of the crossarm |
ROSENFELD, Mortimer C. |
Pin | |
U | 1,259,385 | March 12, 1918 | Suspension Insulator Suspension insulator (see 1,129,520) |
FORTESCUE, Charles Le G. |
Suspension | Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. |
U | 1,260,160 | March 19, 1918 | Insulator Self-tying |
DISBENNET, Charles |
Self-tying Miscellaneous | |
U | 1,263,746 | April 23, 1918 | Insulator Self-tying screw top with slotted pin for holding wire |
CREAMER, William H. |
Self-tying Screw Top | |
U | 1,264,396 | April 30, 1918 | Lightning Arrester Lightning arrester attached to M-3021 |
HAYS, Frederick W. |
Lightning Arrester/M-3021 | |
U | 1,266,175 | May 14, 1918 | Lightning Protector Lightning rod elevated above the building with multiple downwardly curving points |
TESLA, Nikola |
Lightning Rod | |
U | 1,266,435 | May 14, 1918 | Telephone Insulator Self-tying screw top |
Self-tying Screw Top | |
U | 1,266,615 | May 21, 1918 | Insulator Clamp Clamp for crown of large insulator |
NICOL, David S. |
Clamp | Shawinigan Water & Power Co. |
U | 1,266,711 | May 21, 1918 | Strain Insulator Suspension metal cap design |
PLIMPTON, Bentley A. |
Suspension | |
U | 1,268,315 | June 4, 1918 | Insulator Thimble Thimble (threaded) for cementing in pin hole |
BECKER, Raymond A. MADDEX, Thomas E. |
Thimble | |
U | 1,268,972 | June 11, 1918 | Insulator Support Bracket support for spool insulator |
HENDEE, Lem E. |
Bracket | |
U | 1,268,981 | June 11, 1918 | Strain Clamp for Aerial Cables Clamp to securely fasten high tension conductors to suspension insulators. |
LAPP, John S. |
Suspension Clamp | Locke Insulator Mfg. Co. |
U ![]() |
1,270,335 | June 25, 1918 | Fuse Device Fuse holder or cut-out with knife insert. (See patent 1,144,732) |
SCHWEITZER, Edmund O. HERZ, Alfred |
Fuse Holder | |
D ![]() |
52,139 | July 2, 1918 | Design for a Strain Insulator Strain |
KENDIG, Julian H. |
Strain | |
U | 1,271,596 | July 9, 1918 | Insulator Support Bracket for knobs |
MAYER, Walter S. |
Bracket | Electric Service Supplies Co. |
U | 1,273,015 | July 16, 1918 | Electric Insulator Suspension made of several parts bolted together |
THOMAS, Percy H. |
Suspension | |
U | 1,273,313 | July 23, 1918 | Insulator Knob with metal clip |
BEATTY, Thomas W. |
Knob | |
U | 1,274,555 | August 6, 1918 | Choke Coil Mounting Secure mounting of a choke coil on top of two multipart insulators fitted with metal brackets clamped to the crown (see 1,574,964 and 1,663,007) |
JACOBS, Ernest H. |
Choke Coil | Electrical Engineers Equipment Co. |
U | 1,276,228 | August 20, 1918 | Line Wire Connector Tie wire replacement using a preformed sheet metal loop with curved ends that fit over the line wire |
KEENAN, James Condon KEENAN, Michael Henry |
Tie Wire | |
D | 52,339 | August 27, 1918 | Design for a Weather Vane or Lightning Rod Ornament Weathervane with a winged wheel attached |
Weathervane | Friedley-Voshardt Co. |
D | 52,340 | August 27, 1918 | Design for a Weather Vane or Lightning Rod Ornament Weathervane with a stork bird attached |
Weathervane | Friedley-Voshardt Co. |
D | 52,341 | August 27, 1918 | Design for a Weather Vane or Lightning Rod Ornament Weathervane with an ear of corn attached |
Weathervane | Friedley-Voshardt Co. |
D | 52,361 | August 27, 1918 | Design for a Weather Vane or Lightning Rod Ornament Weathervane with a witch and crescent moon attached |
Weathervane | Friedley-Voshardt Co. |
U | 1,277,304 | August 27, 1918 | Metal Protected High Voltage Insulator Protective shield of metal to protect insulator |
GATI, Bila |
Protective Shield | |
U | 1,280,172 | October 1, 1918 | Insulator Protector Protective shield surrounding the insulator to protect it from damage. |
CULLIGAN, Charles A. |
Protective Shield | |
U | 1,281,268 | October 15, 1918 | Insulator Suspension cap and pin to improve strength of connection |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Suspension | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U | 1,282,481 | October 22, 1918 | Multiple Section Suspension Insulator Suspension insulator with symmetrical metal parts to reduce electrical strain |
Suspension | |
U | 1,282,876 | October 29, 1918 | Line Conductor Support Tree hanger with spool and lag screw |
KYLE, William D. |
Tree | |
U | 1,283,651 | November 5, 1918 | Lightning Arrester Lightning arrester with hole through top of insulator similar to U-70. |
BUCHANAN, Sutton R. |
Lightning Arrester/U-70 | |
U | 1,284,110 | November 5, 1918 | Insulator and Bracket Bracket for spool type insulator |
JOHNSON, Ewald E. |
Bracket | |
U | 1,284,799 | November 12, 1918 | Knob and the Like Knob with two vertical grooves and lag screw for mounting to building |
SINDELAR, Lambert J. |
Knob | |
U ![]() |
1,284,974 | November 19, 1918 | Strain Insulator Strain, guy insulator attachment |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Strain | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U ![]() |
1,284,975 | November 19, 1918 | Sanded Insulator and Method of Making Same Multipart and suspension sanded joints (see 1,536,749) |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Multipart | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U ![]() |
1,284,976 | November 19, 1918 | Insulator Multipart and suspension cemented metal part designs |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Multipart | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U | 1,286,010 | November 26, 1918 | Suspension Device Suspension pin to link disks |
Suspension | Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. |
U | 1,286,207 | December 3, 1918 | Insulator Bracket Bracket with special threaded thimble that will resist turning |
Bracket | Barnes & Kobert Mfg. Co. |
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