SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent WHERE (date >= '1926-00-00' AND date < '1927-00-00') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type |
Total of 38 patents found where: Year is 1926
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T / S | Patent | Date | Description | Patentee | Category | Assigned To |
1926 | ||||||
D | 69,185 | January 5, 1926 | Design for a Bottle Design for bottle shaped like head of cabbage or lettuce |
MCABEE, Philip W. |
Bottle | |
U | 1,569,251 | January 12, 1926 | Method of Preparing Clay or Body Composition for Ceramic Articles Method of preparing plastic clay without the use of filter presses by mixing dry ingredients with water, filtering, and evaporation of water with heat and vacuum before sending to the pug mill |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Manufacturing | The Ohio Brass Co. |
D ![]() |
69,381 | February 9, 1926 | Design for an Insulator Radio strain |
BRACH, Leon S. |
Strain | L. S. Brach Manufacturing Co. |
U | 1,572,242 | February 9, 1926 | Beverage Cooler and Dispenser Beverage cooler |
McLaughlin | |
U | 1,572,730 | February 9, 1926 | Batch for Making Ceramic Material and to a Ceramic Material Made Therefrom Porcelain composition for insulator using manganese |
LOCKE, Fred M. LOCKE, Fred J. |
Porcelain | |
U | 1,574,495 | February 23, 1926 | Beverage Dispenser Syrup dispenser for beverages |
LOOK, Carrol A. |
McLaughlin | |
U | 1,574,883 | March 2, 1926 | Method and Apparatus for Cementing Insulators Machine to vibrate insulator to improve cementing of the parts |
HARVEY, William F. |
Manufacturing | |
U ![]() |
1,574,964 | March 2, 1926 | Insulation Equipment Special insulator design for bus bar and equipment support (see 1,274,555 and 1,663,007) |
GETTS, Frank E. |
Insulator | Electrical Engineers Equipment Co. |
U | 1,575,484 | March 2, 1926 | Insulator Bracket Bracket with lag screw for wireholder knob |
HOENIG, Harry E. |
Bracket | |
U | 1,578,508 | March 30, 1926 | Insulator Suspension, multipart with top/bottom grooves to attach support rings |
GARBUTT, Harry L. |
Suspension | Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. |
U | 1,578,526 | March 30, 1926 | Insulator Suspension string composed of multiple porcelain disks with a hook-like link on top and bottom to allow them to be quickly strung together |
Suspension | Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. |
U | 1,579,174 | March 30, 1926 | Insulator Suspension with metal eye-bolt pin |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,583,458 | May 4, 1926 | Nail Knob Assembling Machine Machine for making nail-knobs |
HANLEY, Timothy Henry |
Knob | Federal Porcelain Co. |
U | 1,583,462 | May 4, 1926 | Supporting Pin for Insulators Pin bracket that fits around and bolts to crossarm |
HENDEE, Lem E. |
Pin | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,586,642 | June 1, 1926 | Insulator Pin Steel pin and bracket combination stamped out of sheet metal and bolted around the crossarm |
ARNDT, John P. |
Pin | |
U | 1,589,617 | June 22, 1926 | Process for Preparing Material for Ceramic Articles Vacuum pugging after mixing dry ingredients with exact percent water needed |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Vacuum | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U | 1,589,939 | June 22, 1926 | Nail Knob Assembly Machine to manufacture nail-knobs |
CASE, Francis M. |
Knob | Federal Porcelain Co. |
U | 1,589,940 | June 22, 1926 | Nail Knob Assembling and Securing Machine Machine to manufacture nail-knobs |
CASE, Francis M. |
Knob | Federal Porcelain Co. |
U | 1,590,381 | June 29, 1926 | Insulator Cap Iron insulator cap cemented to top of insulator to support electrical equipment |
KERR, Benjamin W. |
Cap | Railway and Industrial Engineering Co. |
U | 1,590,457 | June 29, 1926 | Method of Testing Insulators Manufacturing method of cutting a plastic insulator body to inspect it internally then put the parts back together before drying and firing |
VAUPEL, Albert |
Manufacturing | Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. |
U | 1,591,883 | July 6, 1926 | Insulator Pin Steel pin with lag screw and spring for threads |
PEIRCE, JR., Charles L. |
Pin | |
U | 1,592,042 | July 13, 1926 | Insulator Knob |
NEWMAN, Maurice H. GILARDIN, William A. |
Knob | |
U | 1,594,015 | July 27, 1926 | Beverage Cooler and Dispenser Beverage cooler and dispenser for orange and other fruit juices that have sediment |
McLaughlin | |
U | 1,594,207 | July 27, 1926 | Insulator Wireholder with lag screw and ring |
KYLE, William D. |
Wireholder | Line Material Co. |
U ![]() |
1,595,653 | August 10, 1926 | Tree Insulator Tree hanger - self-tying twist lock with lag screw |
GAMMON, Thomas E. AVERILL, Henry D. |
Tree | 1/2 to Line Material Co. |
U | 1,596,931 | August 24, 1926 | Insulator Slack wire cylindrical insulator and mounting clip |
JOYCE, Bryan P. |
Slack Wire | |
U | 1,599,580 | September 14, 1926 | Insulator Multipart insulator with bowl underneath to balance electrical field |
MILLER, Frederick H. |
Multipart | Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. |
U | 1,602,873 | October 12, 1926 | Support for Electrical Fixtures Bus bar support for top of insulator |
ANSINGH, Herman K. |
Bus Bar | Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. |
U | 1,602,918 | October 12, 1926 | Insulator Knob |
MARTINEZ, Woodward J. |
Knob | |
U | 1,603,003 | October 12, 1926 | Fixing Means for Bolts Steel pin designed with flanges on top and bottom of hole bored in crossarm to keep out water |
ENNIS, William F. |
Pin | |
D ![]() |
71,289 | October 19, 1926 | Design for a Bottle Design for Blatz soda bottle |
MCABEE, Philip W. |
Bottle | |
U | 1,608,029 | November 23, 1926 | Insulator Suspension insulator |
LOCKE, Fred M. |
Suspension | |
U | 1,609,124 | November 30, 1926 | Insulator Support Insulator pin and support bracket made of pressed metal or steel |
PEIRCE, JR., Charles L. |
Pin | |
U | 1,609,598 | December 7, 1926 | Process of Assembling Insulator Parts Cementing method in that the cement is cured in a bath of heated water |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Cement | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U | 1,610,085 | December 7, 1926 | Insulator Multipart, alternating elastic bands & roughened surface aids cementing |
GODDARD, Walter T. |
Multipart | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,611,464 | December 21, 1926 | Insulator Support Fixture Bracket for rack spool wireholders |
LEMONT, Clarence J. |
Bracket | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,611,871 | December 28, 1926 | High Tension Installation Use of flux control insulators and arcing horns on transmission lines |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Transmission | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U | 1,612,358 | December 28, 1926 | Insulator Pin with cup below the threads to cover the inner skirt of the insulator and help secure the insulator to the pin |
BROWN, James M. |
Pin | Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. |
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