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SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent WHERE (date >= '1930-00-00' AND date < '1931-00-00') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type

Total of 47 patents found where: Year is 1930

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T / S Patent Date Description Patentee Category Assigned To
U 1,742,625 January 7, 1930 Process of Uniting by Sealing the Insulating Parts of High Tension Insulators
Cement of rubber used to cement multipart insulator
WECKERLE, Ferdinand
Cement Studiengesellschaft Fuer Wirtschaft U. Industrie, M. B. H.
U 1,742,628 January 7, 1930 High Tension Insulator
Fog type suspension & pin-type insulator with external petticoats (see 1,858,611) Patent was owned by Lapp Insulator Co.
Fog Type  
U 1,743,552 January 14, 1930 Pin Type Insulator
Pin with sharp pointed threads that engage the insulator only at the tips of the threads and insulator with shallow depressions in the pinhole rather than threads
Pin Hubbard & Co.
U 1,744,566 January 21, 1930 Ground Resistance Test Set
Portable instrument to measure electrical ground resistance
MOTT, Everett V.
ROVERE, Lewis H.
ROWLAND, Davidge H.
Testing Western Union Telegraph Co.
U 1,744,674 January 21, 1930 Insulator Pin
Pin that holds insulator at an angle against strain on turns in the conductor
PORTER, Edward Y.
U 1,748,884 February 25, 1930 Leakproof Insulator
Bell shaped radio antenna insulator to protect wire from getting wet from rain or snow.
KITTS, David Roscoe
U 1,749,915 March 11, 1930 Insulator Rack
Wireholder mounted on a rack
KYLE, William D.
Wireholder Line Material Co.
U 1,750,699 March 18, 1930 Process and Apparatus for Testing Insulators
Apparatus to run a high voltage test on insulators (see 1,796,427)
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Manufacturing The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,750,769 March 18, 1930 Insulator Pin
Steel pin with rolled threads and support on top of crossarm
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Pin The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,750,770 March 18, 1930 Insulator Pin
Steel pin with supporting base that fits over top and edge of wooden crossarm
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Pin The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,754,101 April 8, 1930 Insulator and Mold for Casting the Same
Hewlett style insulator made by casting
HAQUIN, Henri Louis Joseph
U 1,755,032 April 15, 1930 Insulator
Post insulator made up of Hewlett disks
SLEEMAN, Harold P.
Post Type The R. Thomas & Sons Co.
U 1,755,308 April 22, 1930 Apparatus for Finishing Insulator Shells
Machine to form grooves inside the suspension disk to aid cement adhesion.
SMITH, William Henry
Suspension Electric Service Supplies Co.
U 1,755,587 April 22, 1930 Insulating Device
BROAD, William
Crossover 3/4 to Harry McLain
U Specimen known 1,755,971 April 22, 1930 Insulator
Neon, knob to support wires for neon sign (""spook"" insulator)
SMALLEY, Robert C.
Neon Claud Neon Lights, Inc.
U 1,758,462 May 13, 1930 Insulator
Multipart cementing technique using Portland cement with a resilient alumina cement followed by a high humidity curing process
OSBORNE, David Henry
Multipart Electric Service Supplies Co.
U 1,759,253 May 20, 1930 Insulator
Suspension insulator assembly with porcelain insulator in compression without the need for cement.
U 1,760,786 May 27, 1930 Coupling for Insulators
Two part metal coupling to link Hewlett disks together
SLEEMAN, Harold P.
Suspension The R. Thomas & Sons Co.
U Specimen known 1,760,983 June 3, 1930 Insulator
CD 194.5, CD 195.5 transposition
GORDON, Chester S.
LOWE, James T.
Insulator American Telephone & Telegraph Co.
U 1,761,046 June 3, 1930 Transposition Device
Transposition ring for radio line
PFAUTZ, Christian E.
Transposition RCA
U 1,761,671 June 3, 1930 Secondary Rack
Secondary rack or wireholder with rounded edges to more easily allow wire to be pulled through it during installation.
HUSTED, Norris C.
U 1,764,268 June 17, 1930 Glass Forming Machine
Machine to form threads in glass articles such as insulators. (see patent 1,185,687)
LA FRANCE, Richard
Manufacturing Owens-Illinois Glass Co.
U 1,764,434 June 17, 1930 Insulator
Wood strain insulator with coating such as rubber over the metal ends and extending only a short distance to prevent burning the insulator from corona
Strain Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co.
U 1,768,948 July 1, 1930 High Voltage Insulator
Suspension insulator
BAUM, Frank G.
Suspension Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co.
U 1,770,138 July 8, 1930 Insulator Rack
Metal bracket for wire holders or secondary racks.
HUSTED, Norris C.
U Specimen known 1,772,184 August 5, 1930 Dead End Wire Connection
Deadend insulator with insulator that fit in steel loop bracket (RACO deadend bracket)
LAVARACK, William H. B.
U 1,772,513 August 12, 1930 Insulator
Design to allow the lowermost Hewlett disk to have its underside wetted with rain equally with disks above
HAWLEY, Kent Allen
Suspension Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,772,947 August 12, 1930 Electric Insulator
Protective metal shield to cover linkage or connectors for suspension disks to prevent moisture damage to threaded connectors
HOFFMAN, Gottfried
Suspension Motor-Columbus Aktiengesellschaft Fur Elektrische Unternehmungen
U 1,776,538 September 23, 1930 Apparatus for Serving Glass
Method of delivering molten slugs of glass
U 1,776,557 September 23, 1930 Pedestal Insulator
Pedestal insulator similar to suspension disk with metal cap and pin to bolt other units to
Pedestal Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,776,573 September 23, 1930 Insulator
Cementing treatment for a suspension insulator such that the cement will withstand temperature changes
VAN ATTA, Cloyd A.
Suspension Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,776,795 September 30, 1930 Coupling for Wires and Cables
Metal cap for suspension insulator with cotter pin to prevent the pin from slipping out of the cap.
OSBORNE, David Henry
Suspension Electric Service Supplies Co.
U 1,778,152 October 14, 1930 Multiple Skirt Suspension Insulator
Odd two-disk suspension made in one piece with metal caps on each end
Suspension Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,778,153 October 14, 1930 Insulator Pin Centering Means
Suspension disk with large opening for additional cement around the pin and a means to keep the pin centered
Suspension Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,778,154 October 14, 1930 Cushion for Insulator Pins and Method of Applying
Suspension disk or pin-type pin with asphalt disk at top of pin to cushion strain of pin
Suspension Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,778,176 October 14, 1930 Insulator
Suspension design using soft metal liner to prevent strain between cap and insulator
VAN ATTA, Cloyd A.
Suspension Locke Insulator Corp.
D 82,326 October 21, 1930 Design For a Bottle
Graf's Zep soda bottle
HOLMES, Minot K.
HI Hemingray Glass Co.
U 1,779,489 October 28, 1930 Method of Making Secondary Racks
Method of making secondary rack brackets (see 1,883,818)
PEIRCE, JR., Charles L.
Manufacturing 1/2 to Hubbard & Co.
U 1,779,501 October 28, 1930 Insulator
Wireholder with lag screw
Wireholder Line Material Co.
U 1,779,811 October 28, 1930 Method of Manufacturing Insulators
Press for making skirts/petticoats in one-piece porcelain (replaces casting)
HARVEY, William F.
U 1,780,246 November 4, 1930 Glass Insulator and Method of Making Same
Suspension glass Hewlett design with embedded/loose fitting metal brackets
ROWLAND, Davidge H.
Suspension Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,782,790 November 25, 1930 Insulator
Strain insulator composed of a wooden strain sealed inside porcelain tubular shell that is filled with non-conducting oil
MILLER, Frederic H.
Strain Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co.
U 1,783,271 December 2, 1930 High Potential Installation
Use of flux control arcing horns (see 1,552,664) to control flashover on towers using strings of suspension disks (see 1,783,272)
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Transmission The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,783,272 December 2, 1930 Support for Transmission Lines
Orientation of tower supporting transmission line using flux control arcing harms (see 1,783,271)
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Transmission The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,784,392 December 9, 1930 Manufacture of Insulators
Suspension insulator with glazed sanded surfaces to improve strength of cap
ROWLAND, Davidge H.
Suspension Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,784,792 December 9, 1930 Apparatus for Making Insulators
Manufacturing method that replace casting large unipart insulators with a means to press out the entire form of the insulator
Manufacturing Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,786,458 December 30, 1930 Insulating Nontilting Stool
Insulated stool composed of multiple plies of hardwood with extended legs. Pintype insulators are used to support the legs and insulate the stool.
SHIPMAN, Emanuel F.

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