SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent WHERE (date >= '1931-00-00' AND date < '1932-00-00') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type |
Total of 46 patents found where: Year is 1931
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T / S | Patent | Date | Description | Patentee | Category | Assigned To |
1931 | ||||||
U ![]() |
1,788,245 | January 6, 1931 | Insulator Support Clamp type |
MANSON, Ralph H. |
Clamp Type | Hubbard & Co. |
U | 1,790,273 | January 27, 1931 | Insulator Wireholder with internal threaded metal core to receive a threaded shank that can be fixed to a wall |
LEE, Leffman H. |
Wireholder | |
U | 1,793,191 | February 17, 1931 | Insulator Pin Hollow steel pin that can be rotate to align conductor and secured with a keeper pin |
PLIMPTON, Bentley A. |
Pin | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,794,111 | February 24, 1931 | Multiple Skirt Insulator Suspension insulator with multiple skirts and pins or hooks embedded in the ends |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,794,520 | March 3, 1931 | Insulator Rack Bracket for rack spool wireholder (see 1,822,037) |
KERSCHNER, Richard M. |
Bracket | Hubbard & Co. |
U | 1,794,934 | March 3, 1931 | Insulator Connector Bracket for strain insulator |
WALBERG, Nils A. |
Bracket | Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. |
U | 1,796,427 | March 17, 1931 | Process and Apparatus for Testing Insulators Apparatus to run a high voltage test on insulators (see 1,750,699 and 1,796,427) |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Manufacturing | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U | 1,796,429 | March 17, 1931 | Apparatus for Testing Insulators Apparatus to run a high voltage test on insulators (see 1,796,427) |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Manufacturing | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U | 1,797,219 | March 24, 1931 | Insulator Supporting Fixture Bracket for secondary rack spools using inexpensive, strong construction |
BENNETT, George R. |
Bracket | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,797,238 | March 24, 1931 | Insulator Mounting Pin Pin with threaded lead head for screwing into an insulator |
LEMONT, Clarence J. |
Pin | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,799,470 | April 7, 1931 | Secondary Rack Simply constructed secondary rack without the base and other parts. Just composed of rods to hold the spool insulators and fastening bracket. |
KYLE, William D. |
Bracket/secondary Rack | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,799,580 | April 7, 1931 | Insulator Suspension insulator composed of wood fibers impregnated with tar |
BURKE, Edmund |
Suspension | Brown Co. |
U | 1,799,977 | April 7, 1931 | Distributor Ring Arcing ring or electrostatic field control structure for suspension string |
FORTESCUE, Charles Le G. |
Arcing Ring | Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. |
U | 1,806,170 | May 19, 1931 | Bracket and Dead-End Insulator Double deadend bracket with two spool insulators. |
LAW, Stanley W. |
Bracket/wireholder | |
T ![]() |
285,930 | May 26, 1931 | Trademark Trademark for HB Trademark (serial 312,912) |
HI | |
D | 84,313 | June 2, 1931 | Design for a Bottle or Similar Article Universal Home Bottle |
ZIMMERMAN, Willard P. |
HI | Hemingray Glass Co. |
U | 1,807,878 | June 2, 1931 | Insulator Supporting Post Steel pin with sheet metal threads |
SEYLER, Carl P. |
Pin | |
U | 1,808,105 | June 2, 1931 | Insulator Cutter and Method of Treating Insulators Manufacturing method to cut out the top and bottom recess of a Hewlett suspension disk and ready for cutting the holes for link passages |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,808,595 | June 2, 1931 | Lightning Rod Coupler Lightning rod coupling with either male or female threads that is square and fits over and crimped to end of rods |
CRIPE, Earnest C. |
Lightning Rod Coupling | |
U | 1,810,424 | June 16, 1931 | Means for Sealing Insulators Suspension insulator with metal connectors cemented in the insulator with molten metal under a vacuum to remove entrapped air in the joint |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,810,950 | June 23, 1931 | Insulator Rubber self-tying insulator |
EARHART, Albert C. |
Rubber | |
U | 1,811,211 | June 23, 1931 | Insulator Rack Bracket for wireholder rack spools |
PEIRCE, JR., Charles L. |
Bracket | Hubbard & Co. |
U | 1,811,530 | June 23, 1931 | Insulating Device Ribbed suspension insulator with deep hollow interior to receive linkage hardware to connect the next insulator |
BAUM, Frank G. |
Suspension | Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. |
U | 1,815,598 | July 21, 1931 | Insulating Member for High Tension Construction Wooden shaft with metal fittings to insulate guy wires on high voltage transmission poles |
STROUP, Charles L. |
Wood | |
U | 1,816,023 | July 28, 1931 | Method of Manufacturing Insulators Method of assembling multipart insulators with wet cement and maintaining an ambient humidity and simulataneously cooling down. |
OSBORNE, David Henry |
Manufacturing | Electric Service Supplies Co. |
U | 1,818,494 | August 11, 1931 | Lightning Rod Point Connection Lightning rod with swiveling support that can be screwed to the roof |
MERSHIMER, Lawrence M. |
Lightning Rod | |
U | 1,819,302 | August 18, 1931 | Oil and Air Break Pothead Disconnect Pothead disconnect |
RAH, Joseph |
Insulator | G. & W. Electric Specialty Co. |
U | 1,819,380 | August 18, 1931 | Insulator Connection Suspension insulator cap and pin that can be locked in securely |
OSBORNE, David H. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,819,748 | August 18, 1931 | Insulator Suspension of the cap and pin design specially designed to make a strong joint for the cap and pin |
HAWLEY, Kent A. OSBORNE, David H. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,821,221 | September 1, 1931 | Insulator and Terminal Metal terminal mounted on outside of a secondary rack insulator or wireholder that is used to secure the deadend of the drop wire with the terminal making the connection to the wire leading into the building eliminating the need for soldering or other poor connection (see 1,821,222; 1,877,903; 1,914,436) |
KYLE, William D. |
Bracket/secondary Rack | Line Material Co. |
U | 1,821,222 | September 1, 1931 | Insulator Metal terminal mounted on outside of a secondary rack insulator or wireholder that is used to secure the deadend of the drop wire with the terminal making the connection to the wire leading into the building eliminating the need for soldering or other poor connection (see 1,821,221; 1,877,903; 1,914,436) |
KYLE, William D. |
Bracket/secondary Rack | Line Material Co. |
D | 85,044 | September 8, 1931 | Design for a Bottle Design for a Bottle (Blatz) |
HUGHES, Chauncey W. B. |
HU | |
U | 1,822,037 | September 8, 1931 | Method of Making Insulator Racks Method of making rack spool brackets (see 1,794,520) |
KERSCHNER, Richard M. |
Manufacturing | Hubbard & Co. |
U | 1,822,458 | September 8, 1931 | Measuring Apparatus Device to measure the density of clay slip |
ROWLAND, Davidge H. ROBERTSON, John C. |
Manufacturing | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,822,485 | September 8, 1931 | Insulator Method of attached metal cap and pin to suspension insulators |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
D | 85,082 | September 15, 1931 | Design for a Bottle or Similar Article Waterfall refrigerator bottle |
BILBY, Ernest E. |
HI | Hemingray Glass Co. |
U | 1,823,676 | September 15, 1931 | Insulator with Nested Parts Multipart insulators with metal cap in cement joint of the outer two joints to add strength to the insulator |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Manufacturing | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U | 1,824,766 | September 29, 1931 | Insulator Thread insert of dry process porcelain, split & secured by glazewelding |
BARROW, George M. |
Thread | Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. |
U | 1,824,767 | September 29, 1931 | Insulator Connector Metal linkage for link-type suspension insulators similar to Hewlett or pork liver |
BARROW, George M. |
Suspension | Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. |
U | 1,829,354 | October 27, 1931 | Insulator Self-tying clamp-top |
HOUDE, Victor Frederick |
Self-tying Miscellaneous | 1/2 to Ferdinand La Fleche |
U | 1,829,926 | November 3, 1931 | Insulator Pin Steel pin with saddle that fits over a curved-top crossarm |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Pin | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,831,765 | November 10, 1931 | Insulator Link Connector Link for Hewlett suspension disk |
Link | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,832,157 | November 17, 1931 | Insulator Suspension insulator pin that is coated and designed to prevent stress from temperature changes |
VAN ATTA, Cloyd B. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,832,240 | November 17, 1931 | Insulator Pin and Method of Making Same Hollow forged steel pin with base support, bolt, and means to keep out water |
PLIMPTON, Bentley A. |
Pin | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,837,259 | December 22, 1931 | Hanger for Cables and the Like 2-part spool cable hanger held together with a metal bracket |
Hanger | |
U | 1,838,319 | December 29, 1931 | Insulator Wireholder with lag screw |
MILLER, Charles E. |
Wireholder |
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