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SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent WHERE (date >= '1950-00-00' AND date < '1951-00-00') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type

Total of 10 patents found where: Year is 1950

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T / S Patent Date Description Patentee Category Assigned To
U 2,500,927 March 21, 1950 Insulator Pin
Pin that is light-weight composed of magnesium and aluminum
CASE, Rogers
Pin Transadean Associates, Inc.
U 2,500,928 March 21, 1950 Insulator Support
Pin that is light-weight composed of magnesium and aluminum with split end
CASE, Rogers
Pin Transadean Associates, Inc.
U 2,510,182 June 6, 1950 Wire Support
Guy strain with preformed attachment and line wire is brought in through the center and secured by wrapping around the external grooved ribs.
KLINGEL, Edward L.
U 2,513,958 July 4, 1950 Electric Insulating Bushing and Glass Therefore
Glass capacitor bushing and improved seal with metal parts
OMLEY, Herbert A.
Bushing General Electric Co.
U 2,514,141 July 4, 1950 Polyester Resin Adhesive Compositions
Cement composed of polyester resin and sand for attaching metal parts to suspension and other insulators
PHILLIPS, Dorothea S.
Cement American Cyanamid Co.
U Specimen known 2,517,221 August 1, 1950 Secondary and Service Rack Insulator
Knob - specimens exist called ""pencil holder""
LOUX, Raymond A.
U 2,519,694 August 22, 1950 Insulator Supporting Bracket
Bracket for wireholders or rack spools that allow the spool insulator to swivel out away from the bracket for easily working on the line wire and insulator (see 2,302,883)
U 2,526,917 October 24, 1950 Line Wire Spacer
Line wire spacer bracket for carrier circuits
WHEELER, Herbert H.
MARKLEY, William F.
Spacer Western Union Telegraph Co.
U 2,532,478 December 5, 1950 Building Block
Multiple celled glass block
BRIDGES, Donald A.
OI Owens-Illinois Glass Co.
U 2,533,621 December 12, 1950 Electric Insulator
Spool type electric fence insulator with ribs and flat area for metal bracket to attach.
PRATT, Elbert H.
Electric Fence  

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