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SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent LEFT JOIN category ON category.patent = patent.patent AND category.type = patent.type WHERE (category.class = '307') ORDER BY assigned_to DESC, date, patent, type

Total of 6 patents found where: Class is '307';

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T / S Patent Date Description Patentee Category Assigned To
 The Dewey Corp.
U 414,943 November 12, 1889 Method of Utilizing Natural Electric Energy
Method of capturing electric energy from lightning rods and storing in a battery
DEWEY, Mark W.
Lightning Energy The Dewey Corp.
 Radio Corporation of America
U Specimen known 2,195,986 April 2, 1940 Transmission Line Transposition
Transposition block (flat) for short wave radio antenna made of Faradite
GODDARD, DeWitt Rugg
Transposition Radio Corporation of America
 General Electric Co.
U 1,132,281 March 16, 1915 Reactive Coil
Odd arrangement for a choke coil around Hewlett fish-tail strain insulators.
MOODY, Walter S.
Coil General Electric Co.
 Charles Stone
U 506,002 October 3, 1893 Insulating Support for Metallic Circuits
Oil cup insulator to support short crossarm for two insulators
COUSENS, Alfred C.
Oil Charles Stone
U 224,580 February 17, 1880 Induced Current Guard for Electrical Conductors
Pre-transposition technique to eliminate induced current on telephone and telegraph wires
CHINNOCK, Charles E.
U 304,084 August 26, 1884 Device for Protection Electric Light Systems from Lightning
Method of protecting electric generators from lightning by allowing the charge to discharge to the earth ground
EDISON, Thomas A.
Lightning Arrestor  

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