[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical World
New York, NY, United States
vol. 14, no. 19, p. 315, col. 2-3
Baltimore & Ohio Telegraph Litigation. — Judge Dennis, in the Circuit Court, at Baltimore, on Oct. 16, began the hearing of the bill filled by John H. «B. Latrobe and others, representing about $80,000 of the stock of the Western Telegraph Company, of Baltimore City, against the Western Union Telegraph Company, which is the holder of about $90,000 of the stock of the same company. The object of the suit is to obtain a decree declaring that the stockholders of the Western Telegraph Company, of Baltimore City, are entitled to the poles, wires, insulators, etc., of about four hundred miles of the telegraph line extending along the line of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad from Baltimore to Wheeling, West Virginia. The bill asks for the appointment of a receiver. The Western Union claims in its answer that the poles and wires are practically of no value if removed, and that it is under no obligation to the minority stockholders to account to them for the value or use of them.