Publication: The Colorado Springs Gazette
Colorado Springs, CO, United States
vol. IV, no. 48, p. 2, col. 7
Through the politeness of Lieut. S. C. Vedder, Superintendent of the Military Telegraph lines in New Mexico, and Sergeant M. Frost, in the Lieutenant's office in this city; we had the pleasure of a ride on the Telegraph four-mule-buckboard, a few days since, Private Davis handling the reins. Mr. Frost went as far south as Albuquerque on business connected with the line, and your reporter to see a portion of New Mexico which he had often heard spoken of in the highest terms of praise, but which it had not been his pleasure to previously visit. The telegraph line to that point, and we are told as far south as it has progressed, is a fine piece of work, symmetrical and durable. The poles are all of uniform size and height and numbering precisely 25 to the mile all along the route, measured with a tape-line at the time they were put up. These poles are of sufficient depth in the earth to withstand all storms, and of a height to allow the wire to be out of the way of all passers, whether they be giraffes or the cars of Juggernaut. The line is of the heaviest wire used on land lines, securely fastened to glass insulators on strong brackets. The offices along this route are under the control of polite and experienced operators, and the general management is unexcelled. It is the policy of Lieut. Vedder, chief officer in charge, as well as his subordinates, to make the Southern Telegraph line a helper to the people without distinction of persons, and to assist in this he has shown a liberality to the publishers of newspapers who have chosen to avail themselves of it that would be well for other telegraph companies that we know of to emulate, thus permitting the weekly newspapers published along the line to print a resume of the week's budget of news on designated days, prepared in the Santa Fe office, and on terms that will barely pay for compiling and transmitting it. We have from time to time, since this line has been extended to Mesilla and Silver City, been greatly accommodated in our news department, and take a pleasure in this method of expressing our thanks.
Mr. W. J. Codington is operating in the Albuquerque telegraph office.
— Weekly New Mexican.