Publication: The Atlanta Constitution
Atlanta, GA, United States
vol. 46, no. 227, p. 6, col. 4
Twenty-Five Neophytes Were
"Tortured" for Hours Before
Feast Began.
"It was "some feed," that Jovian affair at the Transportation club last night. More than 200 regular fellows — live wires of the electrical world — were there to make the annual rejuvenation "some blowout."
The feast followed the greatest session ever held by the order in the south, and that is going some, when Austin, Fort Worth, Dallas and some other cities, New Orleans included, are considered.
There were twenty-five Neophytes put "over the jumps," the largest number on record in these parts. They were M. W. Alldman, N. G. Harrison, W. F. Baker, Thomas E. Harris, Charles D. Wayre, G. K. Heyer, W. A. Northington, J. R. Field, F. X. Troxell, W. E. Lottspeitch, W. E. Flowers, E. Doherty, D. R. Peteet, C. J. French, P. E. Davidson, Dr. J. A. Gentry, A. H. Lyon, Tom Gentry, M. J. Rooke, and F. E. Austin.
The rejuvenation was conducted by Gadsden E. Russell, statesman, and F. E. Montgomery, alternate statesman, at Cable Hall. The torture began at 6:30 o'clock and lasted until nearly 9 o'clock. Among the notable visiting Jovians were: E. J. Wallis, toastmaster; B. M. Downs, Cincinnati; Tom Bibler, New York; B. H. Scranton, Detroit, and George E. Watts, a dyed-in-the-wool Atlanta disciple of Jove.
Altogether there were fifty visitors from every nook and corner of the United States.
The Order of Jovians is not a new order by any means. It was organized in Austin, Texas, more than thirteen years ago and it has a membership of 13,000 in the United States. Thomas E. Edison and other men who have made great electrical discoveries are among the members. The Atlanta lodge has 200 members, men who are leaders in the craft in this section of the south.