[Trade Journal]
Publication: Western Electrician
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 40, no. 4, p. 74-88, col. 1-3
The second annual Chicago Electrical Show, which has been in progress at the Coliseum for two weeks, beginning January 14th, was, without doubt, the most complete, profitable and generally successful electrical trade exposition ever given in this country. It might well be called an educational exposition, as the predominating spirit among the exhibitors seemed to be along the lines of making clear to the public the manifold uses to which electricity can be put and to demonstrate the innumerable advantages in the application of electricity to every-day work in every walk of life.
All kinds of electrical machines, devices and appliances, with kindred apparatus, were exhibited at the show, as a study of the pages in this issue devoted to the show will prove. Some of the newest inventions and developments in the electrical field were shown for the first time, and there was much that appealed to the purely technical man and the student of electricity.
Attendance throughout the two weeks was very large, even during the extremely bad weather of the first week. The electrical industry in its various branches was represented by visitors from all parts of the country, and the exhibitors were not confined to Chicago, but came from the whole country; and there were also exhibits of some foreign products.
The special days at the show brought out large throngs. On Franklin day, Thomas A. Edison day and Telephone day the management gave out some very neat souvenirs. There were also several conventions and meetings of electrical men during the exposition, among these being the very successful annual convention of the Northwestern Electrical Association, and the organization meeting of the Chicago branch of the Illuminating Engineering Society. These are reported elsewhere in this issue.
A large gathering of the Sons of Jove was occasioned by the show and an enthusiastic rejuvenation was enjoyed, 43 new members being added to the ranks. An effort will now be made to form a Jovian Club in Chicago. This will provide weekly lunches and a monthly meeting for rejuvenations and to listen to matters of interest to the members. Mr. Blocker, W. P. Crockett and A. O. Einstein are on the committee arranging this work.
Central-station men were greatly interested in the hew illuminating devices recently developed and some of them show for the first time in public. The ladies were attracted by the demonstrations in household cooking and heating devices, and the numerous motor-driven machines,. Telephone men had an opportunity to inspect the very latest telephones, switchboards and parts.
Some of the Exhibits at Chicago Electrical Show. |
The Ohio Brass Company of Mansfield. Ohio, showed an interesting line of goods, including rail bonds, overhead line material, insulators, third-rail insulators, trolley wire, connectors and bearings. F. H. Jameson is the Chicago manager. He was assisted at the show by A. L. Havens, E. A. Hurlbut, G. W. Cooper, R. W. Koenig, A. L. Price and C. E: Young.