[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical Review and Western Electrician
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 62, no. 17, p. 870, col. 2-3
To the Editor:
Your articles of thirty years ago recall old times. I remember when the Bankers & Merchants Company was trying to get wires into the downtown district. I was a lineman at that time and assisted in stringing two No. 6 iron wires between Chicago and Cleveland. The Postal-Telegraph Cable Company at that time had a single wire between Chicago and New York. Telephone toll lines at that time were very few, and of short distance. There were no long lines.
Wooden Insulator Used 30 Years Ago. |
I also assisted in building a single-wire telephone line between Defiance and Toledo, O., along the old canal. I have often wished I could go back over the same routes and see how many hundreds of wires are now there. I can remember taking wooden insulators off of telegraph lines and replacing them with the single-petticoat glass type. I have one of these old wooden insulators now in my tool box. (See illustration.) I do not believe there are many of them in existence.
O. P. Sammons.
Denison, Tex., April 7, 1913.