[Trade Journal]
Publication: Western Electrician
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 40, no. 14, p. 307, col. 2
Ajax Arc Lamp Brackets.
The curve is the line of beauty, and when the curve brings with it simplicity and strength it lends itself to practical designs. Hence the three arc-lamp brackets pictured herewith. One is adapted to be wired through the piping; another has a high voltage cross-arm for guiding the line wires while also insulating the lamp, while the third is designed to lower the lamp for trimming and is entirely self-contained, both the outer safety pulley and the inner companion pulley being fastened to the fixture itself. All three types have universal plates which fit either round poles, square posts or flat walls, and are supplied by the Ajax Line Material Company of Chicago.
"Quadrant" Fixture. |
"Pulleyed" Fixture. — "Front" Fixture. |