[Trade Journal]
Publication: Western Electrician
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 42, no. 1, p. 20-21, col. 1,3
Even with the check due to the financial depression of the last quarter, the electrical business of the United States for the year 1907 was very large. The uneasiness that was first manifested on a wide scale in October has passed away largely in electrical circles, and the year 1908 is faced with confidence. However, the year brought its own vicissitudes, as everybody knows, and for that reason the subjoined letters reviewing the business situation will be read with more than usual interest.
Pass & Seymour, Inc., Solvay, N. Y. (John W. Brooks, general sales manager) : Whiel we do not expect that our business for 1908 will increase to the same extent that it has in the past, yet we believe that the business will be healthier and that all lines of electrical industry will experience a steady, conservative increase.