[Trade Journal]
Publication: Glass Factory Year Book and Directory
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 97,105-106,127,142, col. 1
Following are companies manufacturing hollow ware of all kinds from small perfume bottles to large demijohns and carboys. After the name of each company will be found the officers and operating heads, together with factory capacities and kind of ware made. The important classes of ware also will be found arranged by companies in the classification section.
Owens-Illinois Glass Co., General Offices, Ohio Building, Toledo, Ohio. Plants at Alton, Streator, Chicago Heights and Carlyle, Ill.; Gas City, Terre Haute, and Muncie, Ind.; Columbus, O.; Bridgeton and Glassboro, N. J.; Clarion and Brackenridge, Pa.; Charleston, Fairmont and Huntington, W. Va.
Wm. E. Levis, chairman of the board; J. P. Levis, president; R. H. Barnard, executive vice president; F. J. Solon, vice president; C. R. Megowen, vice president and comptroller; C. B. Belknap, vice chairman of the board; C. G. Bensinger, vice president; F. T. Nesbitt, vice president; J. H. McNerney, secretary and treasurer; Garland Lufkin, vice president and general manager, glass container division; S. L. Rairdon, vice president and general sales manager, glass container division; E. F. Martin, assistant secretary and assistant treasurer; F. G. Morfoot, assistant treasurer and assistant secretary; A. J. Riedmayer, assistant secretary and assistant treasurer. Bottles and containers of all descriptions in flint, amber, light green, emerald green, French green, dark green and applied colors; bottles and containers for beverages, whiskey, wines, cordials, liquors, proprietaries, patent medicines, extracts, pharmaceuticals, toilet preparations, perfumes, cosmetics, prescriptions, drug store products, apothecary globes, nursers, oil dispensers, soap globes, catsup, vinegar, table sauces, mayonnaise, salad dressing, olives, coffee, meats, pickles, milk, cream, cottage cheese, including wide mouth and narrow mouth food containers, drug store containers, five gallon water bottles, carboys, fuel oil containers, jugs of various sizes and types and hand blown containers; "Insulux" glass block; "Hemingray" insulators for electrical purposes.
Pressed and Blown Ware Plants in the United
States and Canada.
On the following pages will be found the companies manufacturing lime, flint and special glass, both pressed and blown, for all purposes. After the name of each company and the names of its officers will be found the factory capacity and the kinds of ware made.
A brief classification of the principal products giving merely the name and location of companies also is included. Also appended is a list of glass decorators, including independent shops as well as manufacturers operating decorating departments.
Owens-Illinois Glass Co., Toledo, Ohio
Wm. E. Levis, chairman of board; J. P. Levis, president; S. L. Rairdon, vice president and general sales manager. Complete packaging facilities, Duraglas containers, metal and molded closures, cartons, tumblers and table ware. "Insulux" glass building blocks and Hemingray insulators.