[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Electrical Engineer
New York, NY, United States
vol. 23, no. 465, p. 355,358, col. 1,2
The announcement of the removal of the H. W. Johns Manufacturing Company from their 87 Malden Lane offices to the new Woodbridge building, at William and John streets, serves to call attention to the enormous development which has taken place in the asbestos industry since its introduction in this country. Mr. Johns has been called the "Apostle of Asbestos," and the title has been well earned, for not only was he the pioneer of the industry in America, but all the various asbestos firms of Europe are indebted for what success they may have achieved to the development of the possibilities of the material to Mr. Johns' insight, study and enterprise.
These qualities have built up the H. W. Johns Manufacturing Company to the largest asbestos house in the world, and we heartily wish it continued success.