[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Central Station
New York, NY, United States
vol. 8, no. 12, p. 288, col. 2
Dunton & Field, of Cambridge, Mass., manufacturers of the Dunton tree insulator, report continually increasing orders for their insulators, which have become the standard throughout this country for the supporting of insulated wires and cables on trees throughout outlying districts, and for the protection of circuits wherever they are liable to become chafed by coming in contact with trees or the limbs of trees.
One large central station has recently installed 6,000 of these insulators and they have proved so satisfactory that they have sent in a large duplicate order.
In many cases, after severe wind storms, central stations have had their outside lines crippled by using old-fashioned rigid insulators in supporting their wires on the branches of trees, but since the advent of the Dunton insulators, these troubles have been entirely eliminated.
You should write to-day for a catalogue and price list on this most valuable article for outside line construction.