Making Porcelain Insulators; Etruria Pottery making wall tubes

[Trade Journal]

Publication: China, Glass & Lamps

Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 24, no. 3, p. 11, col. 1



Porcelain insulators are being turned out in goodly numbers at the Etruria pottery, says the Trenton Times. The product is absolutely new in this section of the country. There is an excellent demand and shipments are made constantly throughout New England to the south, and particularly to New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington.

The tubes are fired in all lengths from two to 50 and 60 inches. They have center borings of from five-sixteenths of an inch up to six inches, and the outer rim is in all instances less than one-eight of an inch in thickness.

Porcelain tubes are competing with iron ones in the electrical market, and are used for piercing walls, taking electric wires through other electrical fittings and for general service where non-conductors are necessary. Porcelain tubes are particularly safe in case of fire and in buildings damaged by burning, protect the walls so long as they remain intact.

The capacity for producing porcelain insulators is almost unlimited, and the cost compares favorably with the more ancient means of wire protection. Good porcelain is used, owing to the thinness of the tubes, which are made to require as little space as possible.


Keywords:Etruria Pottery : Cook Pottery Company : Wall Tube
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:January 23, 2005 by: Elton Gish;