Publication: The Muncie Daily News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 13, no. 24
The Royal Rink Filled With Samples
of the Productions of Muncie's
Different Manufactories.
Few people, even those who have lived in Muncie for a number of years ever imagined that on such short notice as one week, each a grand display of the manufactured products of this city could arranged to make so fine an appearance as is presented at the Royal Rink this week. Every manufactory in the city except the Bridge Works is represented, their work being too heavy to place in the rink, and displayed in a manner that is pleasing to the visitor. The different glass works have on exhibition sample bottles, fruit jars globes, window glass and in fact almost everything imaginable in the glassware line. The most massive piece of work is a minature [sic] miniature veranda showing the kind of work done at Bandy’s Planing Mill it is a finished piece of work and makes a fine appearance. The Muncie Pulp Co. have on exhibition pulp in every stage of its manufacture from the log of wood to the fine finished roll weighing over 700 pounds. The Architectural Iron Co. has in their division at least twenty-five different kinds of small iron articles manufactured by them besides large iron columns and other work. The Muncie Brass and Novelty Co. have by far the largest display, they occupying the whole of stage with articles too numerous to mention in detail such as racks, brackets, &c., all being of superior workmanship and of fine finish. The Muncie Casket Works in their division, have displayed some of the nicest and most costly caskets ever before put on exhibition in Muncie.
The Muncie Nail Works have varieties of samples of the products of their factory. W. B. Westlake's division is filled with fine mantles and natural gas fire places. In fact in every department the display is interesting, and is worthy of a second visit. All who have visited the rink have gazed with astonishment upon the articles, few never dreaming that such an array was ever manufactured in this city. The manufacturers deserve the hearty approbation of the people for furnishing such an excellent and interesting exhibition.