Publication: The Muncie Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 22, no. 144, p. 5, col. 5-6
Muncie Flint Glass Workers
Give Freely.
To Enable Corcoran to Secure a New
Trial - General Movement Among
Union Men.
In Hemingray's factory alone, only one of the many industries of Muncie furnishing employment to union labor, the sum of seventy dollars was collected within a few minutes yesterday by a committee appointed for the purpose by Local 23, of the American Flint Glass Workers' Union. The sum collected represents the willing gifts of seventy men each of them eager to add his dollar to the fund that has been started to secure a new trial for Paul Corcoran, who is now serving a seventeen year term on account of the part he is claimed to have taken in the recent mining troubles in Shoshone county, Idaho.
By their response to the appeals of the committee, which is composed of James Burk, William Finan, Thomas Mockler and B. J. Grant, the members of Local 23 acted in accordance with the sentiment expressed in the resolutions passed, published in The Morning News a few days ago, severely condemning the action of General Merriman and the governor of Idaho for their part in the conviction of Corcoran. The Flint Glass Workers are determined that they will do their share towards obtaining a new trial for the condemned miner.
"We have given this amount," said James Burk, chairman of the committee, and one of his fellow committeemen, "and stand ready to give more, if it shall be necessary. We are bound to see fair play, and we do not think Corcoran has been given an impartial trial. We do not demand the prisoner's release, but we do insist that he be tried by due process of the law, and, if guilty, that he be proven so by the law, not condemned to imprisonment by one man. We are not doing this altogether for Corcoran, but for our own sakes. If a just trial can be refused to a miner in Idaho, the same thing might occur to a union laborer in Indiana. We are going to take steps to prevent this, and will fight the Corcoran case up to the highest courts of the United States in an effort to secure justice."
The secretary of the committee appointed by Local 23 is anxious to learn the address of the secretary of each local in Muncie, in order that a correspondence may be begun with a view to organizing a central committee, composed of members of the various locals, which can take charge of the work collecting the funds. The members of Local 23 are confident that a general movement is now on foot in Muncie to start a Corcoran fund. The committee of the flint glass workers is taking very active measures. Letters have been addressed to Senators Fairbanks and Beveridge asking their assistance, and the committee will meet with Congressman Cromer next Thursday.