Publication: The Muncie Daily News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 13, no. 40, p. 3, col. 3
Fun and Sport at the Muncie Park
for All.
The State League Games Take an Odd
Turn - Base Ball Gossip.
The game of ball yesterday afternoon at the Muncie park between Manufacturers and Real Estate men, for the benefit of the Free Kindergarten and Industrial schools was witnessed by a jolly crowd that went to enjoy the fun, and not for scientific ball. The guests began to arrive about 3 o'clock and were received by Hon. Mr. Floyd (gate-keeper) who wished all a merry time. Although the affair was a most rechere and delightful one, the costumes of the ladies present were noticeable for their quietness, soft tints being principally utilized.
At a little after 3:30 o'clock the sonorous tones of Umpire Beason, with his little red hat, called out "Play Ball," and as the Real Estate men had taken the field choice, little Woods, the little lively third-baseman McCulloch, with a pink tie and a smile that ran around his head like a halo, trotted out to their representative positions; while Al Johnson, with a sober countenance, asked a little boy where first was and quietly walked hither, and as the other boys by inquiry or intuition found where their places were, all were ready for the fray. The Manufacturers commenced to put their willow and ash sticks forcibly against the against the small white globe in their first turn at bat, and succeeded in getting nice men past the white stone ere three had been put out on errors. Anthony as a catcher may or may not be a success, it matters not which while, while all admit that Kilgore is equalled by all, superior to none and unexcelled by many when playing as short. Kirby's strong hold is as substitute; in fact he is one of the best subs that ever sat on the bench, but then he does not bat bad when he does not forget it is his turn. Hathaway was in his box for the "dirt" men; was in fine form and by much effort caused the ball to strike several of the batters. If he practices we think he could hit more of them. Martin, Griffith, Hartley and Messersmith took turn about around in the fields. They needed no roller skates to get around the diamond, and were not looking-glass players by any means. As stick-wafters the "dirt dealers" are dandies, and many times did they drive the ball to remote parts of the grounds, and many bases did they acquire by skilful means and their runs were the result of awkwardness or scientific playing of the muscle laborers, it mattereth not which it was. At any rate at the end of seven innings they had 22 runs to their account.
For the Manufacturers Over and Hamilton as the battery, with their hair neatly parted and mustaches curled, by their sweet smiles, won the admiration of many fair ones in the elite audience. Over throws a swift ball, and held his opponents down to numerous safe hits. Smith caught part of the game. He still has it and is going to preserve the same. Hemingray played around the bag back of the pitcher's box. He will have a keg there next time and will no doubt be able to thereby play better ball.
Whitney, Hart and Hitchcock did the field act. If they had all been Whitneys the grounds would be in much better shape, but such little men as some of the players were can not even tramp down the grass. The Ball boys were there for work, but could not for the sweet smiles of the fair ladies. As a success the game lasted long and was entertaining throughout. It might also be mentioned there was a score, which was as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Manufacturers..........................................9 1 7 2 7 5 4 — 34
Real Estate.............................................11 0 2 0 0 8 1 — 22
NOTE: A full account of errors, hits, etc., would be published, but they will not, and the good plays mentioned, but it can not was.
Muncie was at Elkhart yesterday and played a game with the tailenders, which resulted in a tie. Game was called at end of ninth inning on account of darkness. Manager Drischel telegraphed last night that the boys played a great game, but Umpire Phillips would not let the boys win. This is a most common complaint against the gentleman of late, and should be remedied in some way. The score was:
Elkhart.................................................1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 — 3
Muncie................................................1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 — 3
Hits — Elkhart, 3; Muncie, 7. Errors — Elkhart 4; Muncie, 4. Batteries — Elkhart, Crandall and Powers; Muncie, McGinnis and McConnell. Umpire — Phillips.
At Peru yesterday the home team were playing ball, and succeeded in capturing a game from Anderson. It was a finely-contested game throughout, which ended with the following score:
Peru......................................................0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 — 3
Anderson..............................................0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 — 2
Hits — Peru, 7; Anderson, 5. Errors — Peru 1; Anderson, 2. Batteries — Peru, O'Connor and Risinger; Anderson, Rogers and Fear. Umpire — Burnett.
The Marion and Ft. Wayne game yesterday on the grounds of the former was a hitting and fielding game, in which the visitors won with the following score:
Marion.................................................0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 — 3
Ft. Wayne............................................1 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 — 8
Hits — Marion, 5; Fort Wayne 13; Errors — Marion, 5; Fort Wayne, 6; Batteries — Copeland and Schaub; Gallagher and Ferris. Umpire — Morris.
At Kokomo yesterday the Blufftons were the visitors, and both clubs put up a fine fielding game, which was witnessed by a good crowd. Score:
Kokomo................................................0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 — 4
Bluffton................................................0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 — 2
Hits — Kokomo, 9; Bluffton, 4; Errors — Kokomo, 2; Bluffton, 4; Batteries — Kokomo, Lemon and Klose; Bluffton, Aydelette and Boseker. Umpire — Sullivan.
Bennett and Martin, the two famous hard hitters of the Elkhart team, have been duly signed to play with Muncie. Our team is now getting into condition to play great ball.
Several of the State League teams are after now and higher-salaried men. Will not this bonus giving, and running up the expenses of the club above receipts, come nearer being the cause of the league expiring 'ere it should than anything else?
Two nines composed of local talent and dubbed Brotherhood and Shamrock will play the National game at the park tomorrow afternoon. The following is the roster of the teams: Shamrocks — Carl F. Robinson, p; Oran Hall, c; Arthur Huffer, s s; D. C. Blandy, lf; Geo. Klein, cf and c; Sam Russey, 3d b; Ed. Carvel, 2d b; Ed. Shaffer, 1b; Rob't Winters, rf. Brotherhood — Beeson, Beemer, Hart, Haverstick, Minor, Niblock, Harris, Oaster, and Banta. The game will be called at 3 o'clock.
The Manufacturers and Real Estate nines will continue the postponement of their game definitely.
The people of this and other league towns will hail with much joy the news that President McCullough has notified Secretary Schrader that he will remove Umpires Phillips and Morris and appoint good men in theor places.
Umpire Phillips can place on his little book another game yesterday that he lost for Muncie, for by anything like fair play we would have had the game. 'Tis well that he is going to quit playing ball for the various teams. He should go to plowing corn.