Excelsior Glass claim for insulators supplied to CPR


Publication: The Montreal Gazette

Montreal, Quebec, Canada
vol. 113, no. 75, p. 5, col. 1-2



A return to an order for copies for all applications for allowances proposed to be paid to Canadian manufacturers of certain goods required by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company from the period from May 12th, 1883, to March 17th, 1884, shows the following drawbacks to have been paid; On bolts and nuts, $1,980 to the Bolt and Iron Company of Toronto, and $885 to Pillow, Hersey & Co., of Montreal; on spikes, $6,688 to the Bolt and Iron Company and $10,120 to Peck, Benny & Co., of Montreal; on iron fish-plates, $4,098 to the Ontario Rolling Mills Company; on iron and steel bridges, $7,992 to the Toronto Bridge Company. The Excelsior Company, of Montreal, claimed $894 on account of glass insulators supplied, but it was not paid. With reference to the calculation on which the allowances are made, they remain as originally fixed, except in the one item of iron-fish plates. This is accounted for by the fact that the company are using almost exclusively on some sections the angle fish-plate, while the computation made by the department first were based upon an ordinary and lighter plate. The drawback now being paid on fish-plates is based on the market value in Great Britain. The rate of drawback on iron and steel bridges is 25 per cent. ad valorem, less 10 per cent. deduction therefrom, 25 per cent. being the rate of duty in such bridge work if imported into Canada.


Keywords:Excelsior Glass Company : Canadian Pacific Railroad
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:January 26, 2010 by: David Wiecek;