Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 18, no. 238, p. 1, col. 4
Mrs. R. S. Gregory Delightfully
Entertains Many Lady Friends.
Mrs. R. S. Gregory entertained over 40 of her lady friends in a very happy manner yesterday afternoon, from 2 till 6 o'clock, at her home, 314 East Washington street.
It was a progressive euchre party, given in honor of Mrs. Cunnen of Cleveland and Mrs. Bush of Detroit, who are guests of Mrs. J. R. Sprankle.
The large parlors in the lovely home were a bower of beauty, with an artistic display of palms, carnations and roses. The mantel in the front parlor was most admired, for the lovely floral decoration which it bore. Refreshments were served in three courses and were delightfully enjoyed. The guests were:
Mesdames —
J. R. Sprankle J. V. Gilbert
W. C. Dickey G. O. Cromwell
C. A. Spilker H. M. Winans
R. H. Hemingray E. E. Whiteley
Charles Bender A. J. Meeks
George Bower C. N. Wilcoxon
H. S. Maddy C. G. Neely
T. Morgan J. N. Kendall
G. F. McCulloch S. C. Goshorn
W. L. Little John Kirby
S. C. Cowan G. T. Collins
J. A. Heinsohn T. K. Heinsohn
James Durham C. M. Turner
L. L. Turner Kate Wilson
C. H. Anthony D. W. Bell
W. M. Patterson W. F. McDowell
E. F. Tyler C. A. Johnson
Charles Boldt James Boyce
M. E. Vandercook H. R. Wysor
Chas. Boyce C. Sampson
Misses —
Nannie C. Love Jeannette Love
Alma DeWeese
Mrs. Bush won first prize, a medallion picture. Mrs. Cunnen secured a china cup and saucer as second prize, and a half dozen lovely roses were presented to Mrs. Durham as the third prize. She was compelled to play off the three other ladies, Mesdames Hemingray, Maddy and Tylers.