[Trade Journal]
Publication: Brick and Clay Record
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 60, no. 5, p. 356, col. 1-2
Over 400 Ceramists Attend Convention
Frank H. Riddle, of Detroit, Mich., the new president, is a graduate of the Ohio State University, and since that time has had broad experience in the manufacture of art pottery, terra cotta and heavy clay products. In the latter field he has had considerable experience at some of the large concerns on the Pacific Coast. At present he is consulting engineer and chief chemist of the Champion Porcelain Co. and the Jeffrey-DeWitt [sic] Jeffery-Dewitt Insulator Co. Mr. Riddle's experience in the ceramic industry has been well rounded, both as technical man in the developing of ceramic products and in the managing and building of plants. During the war he worked with A. V. Bleininger, then Director of the Ceramics Division of the Bureau of Standards, and it was chiefly his efforts which resulted in the developing of the spark plug used in the aeroplane during the war.