[Trade Journal]
Publication: Brick and Clay Record
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 60, no. 5, p. 380, col. 2
J. W. Boch of East Liverpool, has disposed of his interest in the Boch Metch [sic] Metsch Porcelain Co., to George Howard of Newell, W. Va., Mr. Howard assuming charge January 1.
The Boch Metch [sic] Metsch concern took over the plant of the Novelty Clay Farming [sic] Forming Co. several months ago to engage in the manufacture of electrical porcelain supplies. Mr. Boch also manufactures similar supplies in a small one-kiln plant along the river front near the Homer Laughlin China Co.
Mr. Howard was the builder of the factory in which he is now interested, having disposed of the plant to Fred Owen and others who are now in East Palestine.