Publication: The New York Times
New York, NY, United States
p. 2
Business Associates Honor Him for His
Part in Sound-Money Parade.
A testimonial dinner was given last evening at 100 William Street to Ben. Edward L. Molineux by a number of friends in the drug, paint, chemical, and oil trades, who had been associated with him in the campaign work. A large number of representatives of these trades were present, and the occasion was an informal one and enjoyable. The tables were set in the form of an immense horseshoe, and the decorations were in exquisite taste.
Gen. Molineux has been marshal of the Republican and Sound Money divisions for the trades mentioned, of the parades of 1888, 1892, 1896, and 1900. In recognition of this fact and as a token of esteem, he was presented with a Marshal's baton of olive wood with gold mountings, typical of the trades represented, and bearing an appropriate inscription. The presentation speech was made by George J. Seabury and the General responded fittingly. Other speeches, chiefly of a congratulatory character, were made by Major James B. Horner, George W. Fortmeyer, P. Rowe, and S. V. V. Huntington. Among others present were:
Andrew B. Rogers, George R. Hillier, William Brookfield, John Anderson, E. W. Fitch, S. H. Corregen, David E. Green, George A. Meyer, James A. Webb, A. B. Gerner, Darwin R. James, Isaac V. S. Hillier, William S. Douglass, William De Zeller, J. Seaver Page, James G. Shaw, James Hartford, Thomas P. Cook, Charles A. Miller, R. P. Wilson, Charles O. Weiss, Samuel W. Fairchild, and P. H. Fowler.