[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Commoner and Glassworker
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 22, no. 4, p. 6, col. 2-5
Below is a complete list of the bottle and jar factories in the United States and Canada active or temporarily out of operation or in course of erection. The list is corrected every Tuesday, factories not in operation having a * placed before them, and those being erected having ‡ before them. In giving the capacity of a plant, F is used for furnace and p for pots, as: F 10 p means one furnace of 10 pots. The C before a tank means a continuous tank.
The capital A after the capacity of a factory means it makes flint ware; B means it makes green and amber ware; and C that it makes flint, green and amber. The figures after this are to designate in a general way the varieties of ware made at each plant. 1 is prescription and druggist ware; 2, beers, sodas and minerals, wines and brandies; 3, flasks and patent or proprietary medicine goods; 4, milk jars; 5, fruit jars; 6, packers and preservers wares; X indicates that the factory has a moldmaking shop.
Nore [sic] More detailed information will be gladly given by addressing this office and we would be very grateful for any information regarding errors in this list.
Sydenham Glass Co., Wallaceburg, Ont., tanks, 13 rings C123X