Publication: The New Brunswick Times
New Brunswick, NJ, United States
p. 6, col. 5
Best Suburban Page In Middlesex County
Another fight on at the busy session of the Board of Health was that over a barge load of manure which is now lying at the South Landing in the South River and in Sayreville township awaiting orders as to disposition of the cargo.
The cargo is owned by a New York contractor who brought it out here with the idea of disposing of it or storing it somewhere between Sayreville and Old Bridge for use in the Fall. The Old Bridge Glass Works made complaint and the barge could not be unloaded at Old Bridge. Sayreville officials, however, cannot see any reason why such a nuisance should be permitted in their township when it is for the benefit of East Brunswick township people, consequently an order has been issued by the Board of Health preventing the unloading of the barge in Sayreville township and also ordering it out of the township limits. The barge is still at the South Landing between Sayreville and Old Bridge awaiting disposition by the owner. Just what will be done by the owner is unknown at the present time, although he was in town on Wednesday endeavoring to get permission to unload here.
The health officers have requested quick action on the part of the owner as, owing to the plague of infantile paralysis throughout the country they will not grant permission for the unloading of this barge here, especially from the fact that it comes from New York City.
The Board of Health of Sayreville township has no objection to the unloading of manure along Sayreville wharves in the Spring and Fall, but, in accordance with their regulations, they will not permit it during the months of June, July, August and September as contractors take advantage of storing compost when they can get it cheap in the summer and holding it until fall or spring to sell it at an advance to the farmers. If this permission was granted to one the health officers fear there would be a large number of requests and as a result of the permission the health of the members of the community would be impaired.