Publication: The New Brunswick Times
New Brunswick, NJ, United States
p. 11, col. 3
Correspondence From Thirty-eight Towns
ODL [sic] OLD BRIDGE, Oct. 17 — The sand digger which has been working all summer on the dredging of South river between here and South River is now nearing Old Bridge. At present it is at work in the rear of the glassworks near the Appleby farm. By next season the river will be navigable for larger river boats that can take the produce from here to New York and bring goods to this place. Old Bridge people should not forget the help that has been given them in this matter by the government, and should do their part in seeing the proper facilities are provided for the use of shipping from this point. Nothing could be better in this line than a public dock, owned by the community. A small rental charge would keep it in repair and we would always be provided with a place where goods could leave and arrive here .